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By: Patrick

Added: 05.05.2014 3:45 | 14 views | 0 comments

Hey David. I just want to echo a lot of the people on here and say thanks for all the thrilling coverage and exciting photos and videos you've made available here over the last four years. Your page is one of the few that I've had open almost everyday since I discovered it. Even during the days when there seemed to be a famine of new information haha. I also really appreciate how you directed your viewers' attention to more important needs in the world. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and if it hadn't been for you and this blog many of us wouldn't have known/cared about those needs. You're a great guy, David, and while this blog will be missed we totally understand. I'll follow you on to your other projects because I can tell quality when I see it. I also love video games haha. Thanks for a great ride, David!

Tags: Evil, York
Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Iwannaknow

Added: 05.05.2014 3:01 | 19 views | 0 comments

Sad day... Thanks for being on this blog for a awesome 4 years. Your awesome! :P

Tags: York
Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: shahiirosan

Added: 05.05.2014 2:58 | 16 views | 0 comments

I think it's better if you handle this website with a group of people. At least it makes things easier than doing things alone.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Kevin

Added: 05.05.2014 2:27 | 18 views | 0 comments

I'm not the kind of person that spends much time online but when I discovered the blog back in summer 2010 it became a part of my daily life, checking for updates several times a day and watching your videos. You made the release of the 3DS many times more exciting with all the rumors and hype. Thanks for all the work you put on it and I really hope you come back when the next big thing is announced. Good luck with your future projects, you have so much potential and you're a likable guy.

Tags: Gods
Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Bailey Welker

Added: 05.05.2014 2:13 | 18 views | 0 comments

Hi, David. This is such a shock to me! I did not expect to see this when I came on here, my heart kinda sank when I read this blog was closing. I was one of your first readers and subscribers on YouTube. I've followed you since the beginning, and to be truthful, you're the reason I had started my own blog site, and the reason I ended up going where I went to in my life, as I'm now an independent video game developer. Your blog inspired me so much over the years, that's kinda crazy, but you've been someone I've looked up too. It's thanks to you I'm where I am in life. I couldn't ever thank you enough. But I understand your reasoning for ending this, I've noticed news has slowed and gotten less interesting and worthwhile aswell. But I'll definitely support and follow any future blogs or projects of yours! I'll miss coming to this site every morning and night, checking for a new post from my favorite video game journalist and blogger, but you left plenty of good memories. I wish you the best of luck with any and everything you do for here on out, I can't wait to see what you'll move on too next. Thank you again for the many years of enjoyment from this blog! Best wishes and much love from your biggest fan in the USA, Bailey~

Tags: Been, York
Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: David Turnbull

Added: 05.05.2014 1:55 | 13 views | 0 comments

Surgery went wonderfully well. Recovery was mostly painless and now I can breathe much better (I had surgery on my nose). :)

Tags: David
Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Thomas

Added: 05.05.2014 1:48 | 17 views | 0 comments

Sad to see you go. I hope if you do open another blog down the road you let us know! I'll be subscribed to the feed. Thanks for running a great site :)

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Alex

Added: 05.05.2014 1:47 | 29 views | 0 comments

Hey, David. I don't usually comment on these things, but I thought I'd say thank you. I was so psyched about the 3DS and your blog has been, by far, my favorite on the web, I've been with ya since your first day. Unfortunately all things do have to come to an end, and while it's a big disappointment to see this one go, I understand that it's just in the cycle of things. Thanks for keeping the fans updated and for running such a good blog. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors! P.S. I realize you said it was minor, but did that surgery go well?

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Patrick

Added: 05.05.2014 1:38 | 26 views | 0 comments

Well David, what you choose is all on you. And not to be that guy but I didn't think you would last long anyways considering there were times we rarely heard from ya. Actually I think you were most looked up when the 3DS was in it's darkest hour, and even afterwards you were still the prime, or at least to me, source of 3DS information to get. Little bit later, lack of news started appearing sometime after the big donations, I even started going to other sources for information regarding Nintendo. I'm not saying I want to see you leave, but I am saying this is not much of a surprise to me. Sometimes we must cut off the things we do in order to move on, what ever it is you feel is right is fully supported. All I can say is "thanks for all the news articles."

Tags: Little
Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Kathleen Ch.

Added: 05.05.2014 1:20 | 15 views | 0 comments

I'm really sad that it's come to an end. I came across your YouTube channel by chance back in 2012 and subscribed immediately. Since then, I always looked forward to your new videos. You actually taught me a lot of things I didn't know, and you were my news source for awesome things I was looking forward to! I hope things go well for you from here on out and you still have a supporter/ fan here in New England. So long and I'll miss you!

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: JAy

Added: 05.05.2014 1:15 | 15 views | 0 comments

David, I would love to take the blog off of your hands and make it my own. Instead of 3DS or just Nintendo related stuff, I could do one for Top Tens and Video Game Track of the Week. I could also do video game fanart of the week.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Stephan

Added: 05.05.2014 1:13 | 21 views | 0 comments

Hi David, I've been following your blog since its very beginnings. For years, checking your blog was the first thing to do in the morning. I thorougly enjoyed reading the news and stories. Reading that you closed it down was quite a shock for me, but I understand that you want to move on. Wish you all the best with your new projects!

Tags: With
Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Anthony

Added: 05.05.2014 1:06 | 23 views | 0 comments

This is sad for me to see considering I've followed this blog since day one. It's been apart of my life since. Searching this website day in and day out since day one. I don't know what I'm going to do not lookin at this website every day. I'm really going to miss you and the website bro. Hopefully you'll reconsider this. If not see you around bro

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Tonch

Added: 05.05.2014 0:47 | 22 views | 0 comments

Hey, do what you need to do, man. It is a shame, and I was a big fan of the blog (it's still in my "priority" category in my RSS reader), so it's a shame it'll be going, but I can understand why. It's really hard to compete in a meaningful way when there are so many video game news sites out there, and it takes a huge amount of time and money to really do something different and unique enough to warrant the effort. Not that you lack the ability, but it's good that you know your priorities, and I think everyone can respect that. Best of luck!

Tags: Been
Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Esteban

Added: 05.05.2014 0:32 | 15 views | 0 comments

I just wanna say that I love what you did with your blog. You were able to form an awesome community of people who were all anxious to get their hands on a 3DS and Wii U. Thank you very much for your hard work David.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Phil

Added: 05.05.2014 0:27 | 18 views | 0 comments

I can't believe it's over. Your blog was one of the websites I would check daily and I think I've even been visiting since the beginning. Even though it's over I'm probably still gonna check it daily out of habit. For people with a Wii: this feels like when Nintendo Week ended on the Nintendo Channel. I really miss that show and Alison, Gary, and Dark Gary... Good memories came from this blog, like when you finally took off your beanie to reveal your glorious Australian hair, or more recently when you would play the ukelele. I love you, David, and I'm gonna miss this blog so much. Good luck with your future and current projects. A Huge Fan, Phil P.S. I noticed in your more recent posts that you would add a little but of humor. Any plans on taking that a bit further?

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Jelani Thompson

Added: 05.05.2014 0:13 | 20 views | 0 comments

Sorry to hear man :( What are your plans for the future? Any chance that we'll continue seeing you cover work in the game industy? As far as resources go, Always Nintendo is a good site: http://alwaysnintendo.com Best of luck in the future David! Looking forward to seeing wnat you come up with in the future!

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Murchuda

Added: 05.05.2014 0:11 | 19 views | 0 comments

A true gentleman. Thanks Dave.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Bryan

Added: 05.05.2014 0:10 | 20 views | 0 comments

hey david!, This is heartbreaking news for me as you were my best source for 3ds and wii u news but i know that what ever you will be doing will be for the best and im down to support whatever path you take, ill be definitely following your youtube and twitter from time to time, i wish the best for you bro!

Source: feedproxy.google.com

By: Samrat

Added: 05.05.2014 0:06 | 14 views | 0 comments

I feel like this is the end of a really good book, but in reality, it's just the end of another chapter in your life. It was pretty awesome coming to your website daily to check for new news, but, over time, like your posts, the visits slowly diminished to a few times a week to once a month to whenever I randomly remembered your website. I guess this is goodbye, then. Goodbye.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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