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Street Fighter 5 Will Have Alex And Urien, Says Report

Added: 09.07.2015 5:15 | 3 views | 0 comments

Two fan-favourite characters from. The beta will have a total of six characters to play, but will launch initially with four, with Cammy and Birdie joining later.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Harassed Dev Tells Lizard Squad Hacker “I’m Coming For You”

Added: 09.07.2015 5:10 | 3 views | 0 comments

John Smedley, former boss of Sony Online Entertainment and currently head of --an act which hacking group took responsibility for--and said Kivimaki in particular was to blame for instances of harassment against him, including leaking his personal information.

Smedley warned Kivimki directly on Twitter, claiming he could take further legal action, ending his message by stating "I'm coming for you".

Source: www.gamespot.com

Doctor Who Interview at Comic-Con 2015

Added: 08.07.2015 20:30 | 6 views | 0 comments

Justin chats with Peter Capaldi about his experience bringing Dr. Who to life in Lego Dimensions and more.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Every Doctor Who is Playable in Lego Dimensions, but Only One Will Have a Voice Actor

Added: 08.07.2015 20:30 | 2 views | 0 comments

In the same way that real-life Legos let you mix and match sets to create imaginative mental landscapes with impossible combinations, the Dr. Who addition to the upcoming .

Tags: Hack, Onto, With, Every, Leaf
Source: www.gamespot.com

LEGO Dimensions - Doctor Who Trailer

Added: 08.07.2015 20:30 | 3 views | 0 comments

Things are getting all timey wimey in LEGO Dimensions as The Doctor takes Batman, Gandalf, and Wyldstyle for a ride in the TARDIS.

Tags: LEGO
Source: www.gamespot.com

2.2 GB Witcher 3 PC Update is Optional, Can Be Deleted Safely

Added: 08.07.2015 20:27 | 2 views | 0 comments

If you own that affects many aspects of its mechanics, such as movement speed and inventory organization. Check back on GameSpot for all news about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt as it becomes available.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Game of the Month June 2015

Added: 08.07.2015 19:34 | 3 views | 0 comments

They say that Batman is the world's greatest detective, and in the slick and enjoyable , the excellent (and still in-progress) series that so far has peaked with June's episode, remaining both hysterical and dramatic, and making a case for itself as developer Telltale Games' best episodic series to date.

Is it... her?

It's only fitting, however, that the game that continues to dominate our minds even after we stepped away from it is Her Story. It's not a game that has a conclusion, per se; you simply decide when you know enough to walk away, confident (or not so confident) in your theories. Sure, you can ultimately uncover every video, but even when you're armed with as much information as the game offers to you, you are left to ponder the specifics. You play Her Story even after you have closed the window, making it its own kind of portable game, the kind that you stow away into your brain, poking and prodding it even when the software isn't open and in front of you. For its originality, for its outstanding performance, and for its perfect balance of clarity and vagueness, we name Her Story GameSpot's Game of the Month for June, 2015.

Editor's note: we welcome all discussion related to Her Story and June's other games, but please use the spoiler block option when posting Her Story spoilers. Also, be aware that the above video is a spoilercast, and by nature reveals important story elements of the game.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Rocket League - GameSpot Plays

Added: 08.07.2015 19:15 | 4 views | 0 comments

Aaron and Jake sit down to play Rocket League! A game that rolls soccer, demolition derby, and hockey all in one.

Source: www.gamespot.com

PewDiePie: “Money Doesn’t Make You Happy” - GS News Update

Added: 08.07.2015 19:01 | 4 views | 0 comments

The YouTube celebrity surprised the world when word got out about how much he made in 2014.

Tags: Mask, Month
Source: www.gamespot.com

Games Bought on GOG Will Work With Windows 10 on Day 1, Operator Promises

Added: 08.07.2015 16:17 | 2 views | 0 comments

With the launch of a new operating system, there's always some uncertainty about whether games will work with it or not. Windows 10, the next OS from Microsoft, will go live at the end of this month, and GOG owner CD Projekt is making sure that games on its .

Source: www.gamespot.com

Gaming Deals: $350 PS4 Bundle, $180 New 3DS XL, Ultimate Xbox Sale, $20 Destiny

Added: 08.07.2015 16:13 | 2 views | 0 comments


Amazon prices are accurate as of publishing, but can fluctuate occasionally throughout the day.

GameSpot's gaming deals posts always highlight the best deals we can find regardless of retailer. We also occasionally use retailer affiliate links, which means that purchasing goods through those links helps support all the great content (including the deals posts) you find for free here on the site.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Everything You Need To Know About Ant-Man In 2 Minutes

Added: 08.07.2015 15:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

What is this? An In 2 Minutes for ants? Lucy fills you in on Marvel's tiniest (and most giant, don't ask) superhero.

Tags: When, Lucy, About
Source: www.gamespot.com

Here's When the PS4 Timed-Exclusive Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta Begins

Added: 08.07.2015 14:37 | 4 views | 0 comments

The , all Black Ops III DLC will launch first on PlayStation platforms. Previously, DLC came to Xbox platforms before other systems.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Street Fighter 5 Getting Brazil-Themed Stage, Character Reveal Teased

Added: 08.07.2015 13:38 | 2 views | 0 comments

Capcom's upcoming this week at Comic-Con.

Source: www.gamespot.com

No Man's Sky's Economy and Trading Get New Details

Added: 08.07.2015 13:28 | 3 views | 0 comments

. Keep an eye on GameSpot for more news about No Man's Sky as it becomes available.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Xbox 360 Games We Want Backwards Compatible - The Lobby

Added: 08.07.2015 13:16 | 4 views | 0 comments

Microsoft is allowing gamers to vote on the games we want to get Xbox One backwards compatibility. Jeff from Giant Bomb joins Peter Brown to discuss the games they want to play again.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Here's How You Can Access the Marvel Comics Library for $.01

Added: 08.07.2015 13:06 | 2 views | 0 comments

The Marvel comics library has grown huge, with tens of thousands of comic books published during the company's history. In celebration of San Diego Comic-Con starting tomorrow, Marvel has made it cost only $.01 to access a significant portion of the collection online.

and mobile devices.

To get the deal, enter code "Penny" at checkout. Your account will have auto-renewal active if you buy a month, so be sure to turn it off if you don't want to be charged full price later on. This offer runs from today until July 20.

Check back on GameSpot all of this week for more news coming out of Comic-Con.

Source: www.gamespot.com

God of War 3: Remastered - Graphics Comparison

Added: 08.07.2015 13:01 | 3 views | 0 comments

Compare the original God of War 3, with the remastered version in this graphics comparison.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Check Out This New Bard's Tale 4 Trailer Poking Fun at DLC Model

Added: 08.07.2015 12:53 | 3 views | 0 comments


Source: www.gamespot.com

Destiny Dev Says Game Still Has "Huge Amount" of Untapped Potential

Added: 08.07.2015 11:39 | 3 views | 0 comments

Bungie is not resting on its laurels with .

Source: www.gamespot.com

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