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Microsoft Cutting 7,800 Jobs, But Xbox Appears to Be Unaffected

Added: 08.07.2015 11:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

Technology giant Microsoft has announced a major round of layoffs, but the Xbox and HoloLens teams do not appear to be affected. Following a, its widest ever round of job eliminations.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Xbox One's First MOBA Enters Open Beta Today

Added: 08.07.2015 10:49 | 3 views | 0 comments

Following its.

Tags: Xbox, First, Been, MORE
Source: www.gamespot.com

GTA 5 Adds High-End Cars, Guns, Clothes, and More in Major Update

Added: 08.07.2015 10:21 | 2 views | 0 comments

The already-massive world of

Tags: Major, Most, Adds
Source: www.gamespot.com

South Park Renewed Through 2019

Added: 08.07.2015 10:04 | 3 views | 0 comments

South Park has been renewed.


South Park's 19th season, meanwhile, kicks off September 16.

Source: www.gamespot.com

God of War 3: Remastered - Graphics Comparison

Added: 08.07.2015 10:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Compare the original God of War 3, with the remastered version in this graphics comparison.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Microsoft: Halo 5 Resolution Not Finalized, Xbox One's eSRAM Not a Problem

Added: 08.07.2015 9:36 | 2 views | 0 comments

According to 343 Industries lead producer Chris Lee, the campaign and multiplayer modes for upcoming sci-fi shooter .

What's your take on Halo 5's graphics? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: www.gamespot.com

See Batgirl in Action in New Batman: Arkham Knight DLC Trailer

Added: 08.07.2015 9:12 | 5 views | 0 comments

Ahead of its release next week, Warner Bros. on Wednesday released the first full trailer for developer WB Montreal, not Arkham Knight developer Rocksteady, and is set in a new area called the Seagate Amusement Park. The environment features a nautical theme, but is built on top of an oil rig that--naturally--is rigged to be a death trap.

Source: www.gamespot.com

All the Great Games Still to Come Out in 2015 - The Lobby

Added: 08.07.2015 9:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

2015 has been an incredible year for video games, and it's not over yet. Danny, Rob & Peter list all the games we're looking forward to playing between now and New Year's Eve.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Xbox One/PS4/PC Getting New Destruction-Themed FlatOut Game

Added: 08.07.2015 8:40 | 4 views | 0 comments

A new demolition derby-style entry in the FlatOut racing series is currently in development for were developed by other studios.

The publisher went on to describe the new FlatOut game as the "most ambitious title in the franchise's history." To realize that vision, Strategy First and Kylotonn are inviting gamers to "get involved in the creative process," but official details regarding how the community will shape the game are being kept under wraps for now.

“FlatOut is our most important franchise," Strategy First director Emanuel Wall said in a statement. "There is a strong vocal community that have numerous constructive ideas and suggestions on what they would like to experience in an all new FlatOut."

For its part, Kylotonn director Roman Vincent said the new FlatOut will deliver "new experiences," though no further details were made available. We'll have more details on the new FlatOut as they're announced.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Xbox One's Rise of the Tomb Raider Has Improved Hair Technology

Added: 08.07.2015 8:14 | 8 views | 0 comments

Lara Croft will have believable-looking hair that is capable of reacting to water and snow in

Source: www.gamespot.com

Portal Designer Kim Swift Giving Keynote Address at PAX Prime

Added: 08.07.2015 7:52 | 7 views | 0 comments

PAX Prime organizers have announced this year's keynote speaker for the upcoming event.

Kim Swift

Giving the address will be Kim Swift, who designed designer Peter Molyneux, among others.

"We can't wait to hear the stories and insight she will share at Prime this year," PAX said.

Organizers also announced this year's concert lineup. The following performers and bands will play at PAX Prime, which runs August 28-September 1 in Seattle, Washington.

  • 7bit Hero
  • FreezePop
  • MC Frontalot
  • Returners
  • Bit Brigade
  • Protomen

Source: www.gamespot.com

PS4's PlayStation Now Gets Major Makeover, Extra Game for July

Added: 08.07.2015 7:30 | 2 views | 0 comments

Sony has "completely redesigned" the PlayStation Now app on

Source: www.gamespot.com

No Prison Sentence For Hacker Linked to Xmas PSN/XBL Takedown

Added: 08.07.2015 6:01 | 4 views | 0 comments

A seventeen year-old with ties to black hat hacking group Lizard Squad has been convicted of more than 50,000 charges related to cyber crimes in a court in Espoo, Finland.

Julius “Zeekill” Kivimaki

Local media reports claim that Julius “Zeekill” Kivimaki has been sentenced for a whole range of offences, such as data breaches, online harassment, fraud, and money laundering. He will serve a two-year suspended sentence and, , has been "ordered to fight against cyber crime." He has not been given a prison sentence.

Kivimaki has previously represented himself has a member of Lizard Squad, an online group of hackers who claim responsibility for a number of high-profile network disruptions and website takedowns.

One of Lizard Squad's most notorious attacks was the disruptions to Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, which were both knocked offline for several days between Christmas Day and New Year's.

A massive distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attack ground both those networks to a halt, resulting in engineers at both Sony and Microsoft working during the holidays to restore the service.

During the downtime, Sky News aired an interview with Kivimaki, and he suggested he had no regrets over the attack.

"I can't really say I feel bad. I might have forced some kids to spend more time with their families instead of playing games."

Through its Twitter account, a representative for Lizard Squad appeared to mock those who hoped Kivimaki would receive a harsher sentence.

Source: www.gamespot.com

PewDiePie: "Money Doesn't Make You Happy"

Added: 08.07.2015 5:28 | 3 views | 0 comments

Felix 'PewDiePie' Kjellberg has responded to negative comments resulting from recent reports claiming .

Tags: Mask, Month
Source: www.gamespot.com

New Dragon Quest Game Draws Inspiration From Minecraft

Added: 08.07.2015 4:16 | 6 views | 0 comments

Square Enix has announced Dragon Quest: Builders, a new offshoot of its long-running role-playing franchise.

Although Square Enix has not provided any details for the game, its official website, which features a single screenshot alongside a logo, reveals that it seems to be inspired by .

Source: www.gamespot.com

Mortal Kombat X - All of Predator's Fatalitys and Brutalities in 1080p

Added: 07.07.2015 20:36 | 8 views | 0 comments

Watch all of Predators fatalities and brutalities in 1080p goodness.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Is Remaking Final Fantasy 7 a Good Idea? - The Lobby

Added: 07.07.2015 19:29 | 8 views | 0 comments

Fans have been demanding an HD re-release of Final Fantasy 7 for years, but do they want their beloved game re-written and re-imagined? We ask Peter and Jeremy.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Mr. Burns, Ned Flanders Voice Actor Quitting The Simpsons [UPDATE]

Added: 07.07.2015 19:24 | 3 views | 0 comments

[UPDATE] Sources have told , a Season 10 episode of The Simpsons sort of predicted Shearer's departure. Watch the clip below.

Tags: Watch
Source: www.gamespot.com

GS News - Witcher 3 DLC Leaks; Sega Admits They Betrayed Fans

Added: 07.07.2015 19:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

PS4 consoles have been having trouble with PSN, The Witcher 3’s next DLC leaks a week early, Sega boss admits they need to bring quality to their games.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Watch the First Footage of The X-Files' New Season

Added: 07.07.2015 17:27 | 2 views | 0 comments

Almost a decade and a half after its original ending, The X-Files is set to return early next year. Today, Fox released the first footage from the new season.

Fox has kicked off a marketing campaign encouraging people to watch one episode per day up until the premiere of the new series, which is 201 days away. The short video below about this is capped off with a brief glimpse of the new series at about the 32-second mark. It lasts all of two or three seconds, but when you're a fanatic of a franchise that hasn't been seen for 13 years (save for one mediocre movie), you'll take what you can get.

What we see is pretty standard fare for The X-Files: Mulder and Scully enter a dark, creepy-looking room with guns and flashlights drawn as they scan the room. It's perhaps not a coincidence that it resembles a scene from the early episode "Squeeze," which would go on to be included in the show's opening title sequence for eight of its nine-year run.

The new six-episode season of the show--being referred to as an event series--is set to premiere on January 24, 2016. It will feature returning stars David Duchovny (Mulder) and Gillian Anderson (Scully), as well as series regulars like Mitch Pileggi (Walter Skinner) and William B. Davis (The Smoking Man).

Source: www.gamespot.com

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