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"Big Plans" for PS4/PC's Rocket League Include Free Maps, Paid Cars DLC

Added: 07.07.2015 17:08 | 2 views | 0 comments


Tags: Paul, Cave, League
Source: www.gamespot.com

New Star Wars Spinoff Movie Explores Han Solo's Origins

Added: 07.07.2015 17:02 | 3 views | 0 comments

There's another Star Wars movie coming, and this one's all about Han Solo. It will be the second in a series of four standalone anthology films, and it's being directed by Christopher Miller and Phil Lord, the duo responsible for The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street.

Coming in 2018, this movie centers around the younger years of legendary smuggler Han Solo. According to the Star Wars anything of The Force Awakens at Comic-Con this week. But keep an eye on GameSpot for more news about Star Wars as it becomes available.

Source: www.gamespot.com

New Humble Bundle Wants to Help You Make Your Own Games

Added: 07.07.2015 16:18 | 3 views | 0 comments

The latest runs for the next two weeks. Halfway through, on July 14, additional titles will be added to the bundle; those who buy the bundle before then will be entitled to all of these, provided they beat the average sale price at the time of purchase.

The full list of everything included as of this writing:

Pay any price:

  • Game Dev Starter Pack
  • Stencyl: Indie Edition 1-Year License
  • Humble Bundle Starer DLC Pack
  • Indie Game Maker Conteste '14 Finalist Pack
  • Labyrinthine Dreams
  • RPG Maker 90% Off Coupons

Pay more than the average:

  • RPG Maker VX Ace Deluxe Edition
  • Game Character Hub
  • Humble Bundle Sci-Fi DLC Pack
  • Humble Bundle New DLC Pack + $10 Game Dev Fort store credit
  • Aveyond: Lord of Twilight
  • Crimzon Clover World Ignition
  • More to be announced on July 14

Pay $12 or more:

  • App Game Kit 2
  • Spriter Pro
  • Sprite Lamp
  • Humble Bundle Fantasy DLC Pack
  • Goats on a Bridge

Source: www.gamespot.com

Games Coming Out in 2015, Our Backwards Compatibility Wish List and is Remaking Final Fantasy VII a Good Idea? - The Lob

Added: 07.07.2015 16:07 | 2 views | 0 comments

This week Danny goes over all the games yet to come out in 2015, our favorite games we hope will be playable on Xbox One and ups and downs of remaking Final Fantasy VII.

Source: www.gamespot.com

New 1080p/60FPS PS4 Racer Encourages You to Cheat, Offers No Rubber-Banding

Added: 07.07.2015 15:44 | 3 views | 0 comments

New shortcut-centric racing game Super Impossible Road is headed to only says it's "coming soon" to PS4.

Tags: Roll
Source: www.gamespot.com

EA's Next Free PC Game Now Available on Origin

Added: 07.07.2015 15:17 | 4 views | 0 comments

Electronic Arts has announced the next .

Source: www.gamespot.com

Watch Star Wars: Uprising's First Diablo-Esque Gameplay

Added: 07.07.2015 14:45 | 3 views | 0 comments

Star Wars: Uprising, the upcoming mobile game that will bridge that gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, has gotten its first gameplay trailer.

The .

Source: www.gamespot.com

Fallout 4 Gets E3 2015 Best of Show Award; Full List of Winners Revealed

Added: 07.07.2015 14:33 | 2 views | 0 comments


Special Commendations for Graphics

  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Source: www.gamespot.com

PS4 Dealing With PSN Issues Again Today

Added: 07.07.2015 14:05 | 3 views | 0 comments

The string of this morning, Sony said, "Engineers are investigating issues with the PSN connectivity; thanks for your patience."

We'll keep this story updated with the latest on PSN's status.

Tags: With, Soul
Source: www.gamespot.com

PS4 Gets Improved Version of PC's Gauntlet in August

Added: 07.07.2015 13:44 | 3 views | 0 comments

An enhanced version of the reimagined .

Tags: Gear, Version
Source: www.gamespot.com

Rare Destiny Emblem Announced; Here's How to Get It

Added: 07.07.2015 12:55 | 12 views | 0 comments

Bungie has announced a new .

Source: www.gamespot.com

Special Destiny PS4 System Bundle Coming in September for The Taken King

Added: 07.07.2015 12:44 | 3 views | 0 comments

Coinciding with the release of (that will come to Xbox later), such as an additional Strike mission and multiplayer map.

A price for the bundle was not announced, but we do know it'll be out on the same day as The Taken King: September 15.

Source: www.gamespot.com

The Fallout 4 Story Hints Hidden In Previous Fallout Games

Added: 07.07.2015 12:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

With quest called "The Replicated Man".

The quest begins when you encounter a character named Dr. Zimmer. He is employed by The Institute, and is searching the Capitol Wasteland for an android, Harkness, that has escaped from his employers. Part of The Institute's secrecy concerns the highly advanced technology it houses; technology advanced enough to create androids like Harkness which are almost indistinguishable from humans. These androids are used as slaves by The Institute, but some of them develop sentience of their own, and subsequently desire to escape their life of servitude. If they do escape, the androids are hunted down by a group of law enforcement personnel known as the Synth Retention Bureau.

The whole quest is an homage to Blade Runner, in which "replicants"-- androids also virtually indistinguishable from humans--are hunted down and killed by a police force specifically trained to do so. As in Blade Runner, some of the members of The Institute's Synth Retention Bureau are androids themselves.

In opposition to The Institute and the Synth Retention Bureau is an underground movement calling itself The Railroad. This is a group of people who assist androids in escaping slavery and in finding a new life--sometimes going so far as to give them a complete facial reconstruction and erasing their memory to adjust to their new lives. In The Replicated Man quest, you must decide to side with either The Railroad or the Synth Retention Bureau by determining whether Harkness remains free, or turning him over to Dr. Zimmer.

It's highly likely that The Institute, The Railroad, and the conflict between androids and humans, will play a major part in Fallout 4's plot, given that we'll actually be exploring Boston. But how these factions' goals and objectives will play into those of the Brotherhood of Steel and Boston's other surviving groups remains to be seen.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Live-Action Mighty No. 9 Movie in the Works at Dead Rising Film Studio

Added: 07.07.2015 11:48 | 4 views | 0 comments


Source: www.gamespot.com

New Rayman Announced, Probably Not What You're Hoping For

Added: 07.07.2015 11:22 | 3 views | 0 comments

Ubisoft has announced Rayman Adventures, an all-new platformer coming soon to smartphones and tablets, not console.

Adventures sees players venturing into an enchanted forest to reclaim ancient eggs that sustain the life of a "sacred tree." These eggs were stolen by some jerk, of course.

You'll visit haunted medieval castles along with the mythical worlds of Olympus. Rayman is the star of the game, but he's joined by Barbara, his Viking companion.

The game's announcement trailer shows off some very gorgeous visuals that don't look all that different from the most recent console games, .

Adventures is not the first Rayman game for mobile devices. Ubisoft previously released two endless runners based on the franchise: Rayman Jungle Run and Rayman Fiesta Run.

Ubisoft did not announce specific platforms for Adventures, but iOS and Android are safe bets. We also don't know yet if Adventures is a free-to-play or paid game. We'll have formation on the game as it becomes available.

Source: www.gamespot.com

Street Fighter 5 PS4 Beta Details Discuss Characters And Stages

Added: 07.07.2015 11:19 | 4 views | 0 comments

Capcom has detailed the upcoming

Source: www.gamespot.com

PS4 1TB Ultimate Player Edition Will Include PlayStation TV in Europe

Added: 07.07.2015 10:16 | 3 views | 0 comments

Sony has confirmed the 1TB Ultimate Player Edition of the has revealed model CUH-12000 features a smaller motherboard with a new GDDR5 memory configuration.

Other changes introduced in the new PS4 model include a new Blu-ray drive design, a new HDMI controller, and a new power supply, which is 80g lighter than the previous one and has a lower energy output.

It also seems that Sony has reduced the amount of noise the PS4's fan makes, though this has yet to be confirmed. For a -depth list of the changes, take a look at the site's breakdown using the link above.

Source: www.gamespot.com

"Too Early" to Talk About Price for PS4 Morpheus Headset, Sony Says

Added: 07.07.2015 9:59 | 5 views | 0 comments

It's "too early" to announce a price point for the to talk about why Morpheus played such a small role in Sony's briefing.

"When we spend more than two minutes on anything other than core gamers games, [people] hate it," Yoshida explained, going on to stress that the hardware and software for Morpheus remains on schedule.

What do you think the Morpheus price point should be? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: www.gamespot.com

We Betrayed Fans And Want to Be a Brand Again, Says Sega CEO

Added: 07.07.2015 9:42 | 2 views | 0 comments

Sega CEO Hajime Satomi has said he believes the company betrayed the trust fans put in it over the last few years, and added it is now aiming to improving the quality of its games in hopes of re-establishing itself as a valuable brand.

Speaking in an interview with Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, which has been translated by , which it continues to support.

Source: www.gamespot.com

PS4 Getting Critically Acclaimed Journey This Month

Added: 07.07.2015 9:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

[Update]Sony has confirmed the PlayStation 4 version of Journey will be released on July 21. The re-release will support cross buy, which means those that purchased it already for PlayStation 3 will be able to download the PS4 version for free.[update ends].

Last August, developer thatgamecompany announced that it was bringing its PlayStation 3-exclusive game .

Sony hasn't commented on this leak, yet, but we will update this story if the company clarifies.

Source: www.gamespot.com

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