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Video: WildStar: Strain Ultra Drop Trailer

Added: 18.06.2014 10:48 | 9 views | 0 comments

July update will reveal even more of planet Nexus.

Tags: Trailer, Jump, Drop
Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: VideoGamer UK Podcast: Post E3 2014

Added: 18.06.2014 9:48 | 15 views | 0 comments

The VideoGamer E3 team (other than The Smug British Asshole) sit down and chat about last week's highlights.

You can ask questions on the forum, by tweeting @VideoGamerCom, or by posting on our Facebook.

Tags: Games, Pool
Source: www.videogamer.com

Download: Post E3 Episode VideoGamer UK Podcast

Added: 18.06.2014 9:43 | 13 views | 0 comments

The VideoGamer E3 team (other than The Smug British Asshole) sit down and chat about last week's highlights.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Magrunner: Dark Pulse now free in GOG summer sale

Added: 18.06.2014 9:38 | 11 views | 0 comments

It's a first-person physics-based puzzle game.

Head over to the DRM-free retailer and grab your free download, but be sure to do so before the deal expires at 2pm BST June 19.

In addition, GOG.com is offering 30 game bundles with savings of up to 90 per cent. Again, these deals will expire at 2pm tomorrow.

And if that isn't enough, GOG will be offering 30 flash deals, each last one hour.

Source: Press release

Tags: Daly, Jump, Help, Press
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Capcom shareholders allow possibility of a takeover

Added: 18.06.2014 9:29 | 10 views | 0 comments

Shareholders vote to end company's hostile takeover defences, leaving possibility for company to be bought.

This leaves Capcom open to a buyout should investors come in and buy a significant stake in the company.

The Japanese firm's takeover defence measures had been in place since 2008. A statement was released following the vote:

"Despite of non-approval of Renewal of Takeover Defense at the 35th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, Capcom will continue to focus on further preserving and enhancing corporate value and common interests of its shareholders.

"If there is any large-scale purchaser of Capcom stock, we will react to make necessary measures within...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Air Conflicts: Vietnam lands on PS4 next week

Added: 18.06.2014 9:29 | 11 views | 0 comments

Flight combat sim soaring into stores soon.

Developed by Games Farm, the PS4 version features an exclusive new campaign that lets players experience the war from the perspective of a Vietnamese pilot, improved controls, bigger maps, enhanced graphics and a new multiplayer mode.

The game will be available to purchase both physically and digitally for €49.99. Expect to pay around £35-£40 in the UK.

Air Conflicts: Vietnam first launched on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC last year, but failed to win over critics, lifting off with a less than impressive 43 Metacritic rating.

Source: bitComposer Press...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: You can now get instant access to the Battlefield Hardline beta on PC

Added: 18.06.2014 7:39 | 7 views | 0 comments

EA opens up closed PC beta to all registrants.

To gain access, simply head over to the beta site, register your interest for the PC version, and you should receive your key instantly.

By signing up you'll receive:

Instant Access into the Battlefield Hardline beta for PC (when selecting PC as your platform)Weapon camo/skin in Battlefield HardlineWeapon sight in Battlefield HardlineAdditional Battlefield Hardline contentUnique dog tag in Battlefield 4

The beta is still believed to be in closed beta on PS4, with a second beta due to hit all announced platforms prior to release on October 24.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: The Witcher 3 on Xbox One will hit 900p 'no problem', but is targeting 1080p

Added: 18.06.2014 7:37 | 7 views | 0 comments

Will be easier to reach 1080p on PS4, says CD Projekt Red executive producer John Mamais.

Mamais confirmed that the extended game demonstration during Microsoft's E3 conference was indeed running on Xbox One hardware, but things should improve considerably by launch.

"We're still optimising for Xbox One and PS4 so it should look better than that in theory," he said. "But everything we're doing optimisation wise for PS4 and Xbox One, we're also optimising for PC. It's a cross-platform engine, so any optimisation we do for one platform goes into the other platform and just speeds it up, basically."

"We will hit 900p no problem. We'd like to get it up to 1080p...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: FIFA 14 Team of the Match Day to replace Team of the Week during World Cup

Added: 18.06.2014 7:37 | 8 views | 0 comments

New teams posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

It is unclear whether this change will affect both Ultimate Team and World Cup Ultimate Team.

EA has noted the changes in a blog post:

"For the next few weeks TOTW [Team of the Week] will become Team of the Match Day. It will consist of each Match Day's top performers, including the iMOTM [Man of the Match] releases.

"Schedule "Team of the Match Day #1 – Wed Jun 18 6pm UK to Mon Jun 23 5:30pm UK "Team of the Match Day #2 – Mon Jun 23 6pm UK to Fri Jun 27 5:30pm UK "Team of the Match Day #3 – Fri Jun 27 6pm to Wed Jul 2 5:30pm UK".


Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Evolution already thinking about what's next for Driveclub

Added: 18.06.2014 6:53 | 11 views | 0 comments

Weather update likely to be just one post-launch game update.

"We're at the point now obviously in the last stage of development where we're fixing bugs and waiting for launch - so now we're at the phase where we're thinking about what we can bring next to the game," Rustchynsky told Eurogamer at E3 last week.

One game update known to be on the way is dynamic weather, which as you can see elsewhere on VideoGamer, brings all kinds of fancy rain effects. Exactly what else Rustchynsky has planned remains to be seen.

"We talked about Driveclub not just being a game that we put out and then it's done. We wanted to support it for a...

Tags: Evolution
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Sunset Overdrive has more on-screen characters and particles thanks to extra GPU resources

Added: 18.06.2014 6:38 | 9 views | 0 comments

Insomniac is focussing on getting more stuff on-screen rather than upping the resolution.

"For us it's really more about pushing the number of characters on the screen and particles in the game," explained Schneider when quizzed about the June Xbox One SDK update. "If you play the game you will see there are a lot of things that are happening on the screen. It really is great to be supported by Xbox."

Optimisations might not end there, says Schneider.

"We are certainly going to be looking into that and ways to optimize but again the emphasis is on a big, grand spectacle along with unprecedented amount of stuff happening on screen and making sure frame...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Sixth Resident Evil movie likely to be the last, says Anderson

Added: 18.06.2014 6:03 | 10 views | 0 comments

The film's working title is Resident Evil: The Final Chapter.

"Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is the working title.  It may end up being the final title, but that's what's written on the front page of my script... I'm right in the middle of [the first draft]."

Asked if this is to be the final film in the series, Anderson responded: "That's what's on the title page, it's Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, so absolutely."

As for whether the situation could change, Anderson gave a cryptic response.

"As Christopher Lambert famously said, 'There can be only one.'  And then there were five of them," he laughed.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Behind the Scenes of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Added: 18.06.2014 5:02 | 11 views | 0 comments

Three years of development has gone into creating the new Call of Duty.

In a new behind the scenes video, creative director Bret Robbins discusses how research and technology came together with the aim of elevating the storytelling experience. We'll have to wait until November 4 to judge if it worked.

Source: Press release

Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: EA Sports UFC Xbox One Achievements

Added: 18.06.2014 4:48 | 14 views | 0 comments

Every achievement for EA Sports UFC on Xbox One.

In the Spotlight - 5G Upload a Highlight Reel to FighterNet

Friends or Foes? - 5G Complete a Rivalry

First Blood - 10G Win your first Career fight

To the Top! - 10G Earn a promotion in Online Championships

UFC Contract! - 10G Win The Ultimate Fighter in Career

The Big Time - 10G Fight on the main card of a UFC event in Career

#1 Contender! - 10G Fight for a title in Career

Iron Chin - 10G Survive a stun state

Ahead of the Class - 25G Earn an early promotion in Championships

Making your mark -...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare: Behind the Scenes Story Feature

Added: 18.06.2014 4:48 | 9 views | 0 comments

Sledgehammer Games creative director Bret Robbins discusses how research and technology come together.

Tags: Games, Cave, Stone, Bros
Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: EA Sports UFC Trophies

Added: 18.06.2014 4:47 | 13 views | 0 comments

Every trophy for EA Sports UFC listed in our guide.

The Ultimate Fighter - Platinum Get all the trophies

EA Sports UFC Bronze Trophies

Begin with the End in Mind - Bronze Earn the first skill of your Career

In the Spotlight - Bronze Upload a Highlight Reel to FighterNet

Friends or Foes? - Bronze Complete a Rivalry

First Blood - Bronze Win your first Career fight

To the Top! - Bronze Earn a promotion in Online Championships

UFC Contract! - Bronze Win The Ultimate Fighter in Career

The Big Time - Bronze Fight on the main card of a UFC event in Career

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Watch Dogs 2 may not star Aiden Pearce

Added: 18.06.2014 4:29 | 10 views | 0 comments

Ubisoft looking to 'extend diversity' in future titles.

"We knew it would be polarising," Guillemot told CVG when quizzed over the game's 'fairly generic characters'. "Some people loved the characters and some didn't. It was difficult to please everybody with that character. Now, having seen the reaction, we know what we will do next to improve that."

"I can't say [if Aiden will return as the lead character in Watch Dogs 2] because I don't know actually," Guillemot continued. "We'll see."

The CEO added that Ubisoft was "working on" diversifying away from 'angry white man' leads, stating that the firm wants to "spend more...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Xbox One devs now have access to 100% of system's GPU for increased resolution graphical effects

Added: 18.06.2014 4:29 | 7 views | 0 comments

Xbox voice commands will continue to work in games.

"We continue to optimize the platform, make new technology investments, and give titles increased flexibility to use the features that best meet their needs," explained Choudhry. "We've offered new updates to developers since the launch of Xbox One and the recent availability of the June XDK for developers offers developers more access to GPU bandwidth, which provides more performance, new tools and flexibility to make games better."

Choudhry continued: "Developers have more choice and flexibility to manage the resources of the Xbox One to deliver bigger and richer game...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Alien: Isolation will be 'close to 15 hours long'

Added: 17.06.2014 12:14 | 15 views | 0 comments

Stock up on the underwear.

"We've re-recorded large portions of the original score because obviously the film is only a couple of hours long," lead designer Gary Napper told PlayStation Access. "Our game is close to 15 hours, really, so we need a lot of different music for a lot of different situations."

But Napper promises that Isolation won't just be 15 hours of Amanda Ripley being killed over and over again, with the Alien adapting to to the player's actions throughout the course of the game.

"[The Alien] takes things into account like whether it's seen you before, if it recognises you," he...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Ubisoft expects PS4 Xbox One development to become easier next year

Added: 17.06.2014 11:37 | 12 views | 0 comments

In no way has the transition been as difficult as when PS3 launched, says Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot.

Responding to a question relating to the delayed release of Watch Dogs and the yet to launch The Division and The Crew, Guillemot said:

"[Development is] harder, because there are so many things to do, so many possibilities. We saw that when we launched Watch Dogs," he explained. "To make sure the mobile works with the seamless multiplayer, with all the things we're bringing, it's more complex. It's always on. There are lots of things to check and control. We didn't do a beta on Watch Dogs, for example, and so it took us a certain amount of time to make everything work.

Source: www.videogamer.com

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