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News: Dead Island 2 coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2015

Added: 09.06.2014 21:54 | 7 views | 0 comments

PS4 gets timed exclusive beta and an exclusive character class.

Deep Silver has announced Dead Island 2, due for release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in spring 2015.

Developed on Unreal Engine 4, the PS4 version of the zombie-brawler will ship with an exclusive character class and 30 days timed-exclusive access to an upcoming beta.

"Several months after the events on Banoi, the United States military has put the Golden State under full quarantine," says Deep Silver. "Now a restricted zone, California has become a bloody paradise for those who refuse to leave their homes and an action-packed playground for renegades who seek...

News: Play Far Cry 4 multiplayer with PSN friends even if they don't own the game

Added: 09.06.2014 21:45 | 3 views | 0 comments

Buy Far Cry 4 on PS3 or PS4 and invite friends to play multiplayer without them owning the game.

Sony vice president of publisher and developer relations Adam Boyes announced the feature during Sony's E3 press conference, and revealed that the feature is exclusive to Sony platforms.

Far Cry 4 will launch on November 21.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: LittleBigPlanet 3 announced for PS4

Added: 09.06.2014 21:38 | 4 views | 0 comments

Sackboy goes next-gen as Sumo Digital takes over from MediaMolecule.

The creation game is being developed by Sumo Digital and will feature backwards compatibility with levels built in previous LittleBigPlanet titles.

The trailer below confirms Sumo Digital as the developer.

Joining Sackboy are new friends:

Oddsock, can wall jump, is faster and uses super speed to power things.

Toggle, is the biggest new friend and strongest, able to push objects. Can become smallest at the tap of a button.

Swoop is a bird, and can fly.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Project Beast is Bloodborne, coming to PS4 in 2015

Added: 09.06.2014 21:37 | 3 views | 0 comments

Hideki Miyazaki's PS4 title officially named Bloodborne, trailer below.

From Software's game, led by director Hideki Miyazaki, has been rumoured for some time now, following numerous leaks and an unofficially cut together gameplay trailer.

Bloodborne is due to launch in 2015 exclusively on PS4.

Tags: Project, Bears
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: inFamous First Light is a standalone DLC coming in August 2014

Added: 09.06.2014 21:27 | 2 views | 0 comments

Fetch to take centre stage.

The DLC appears to star Abigail Walker, otherwise known as Fetch. She is a conduit with the power Neon.

Look for fo in the coming days.

Watch E3 live with VideoGamer and join in with our live chat.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Entwined announced for PS4, PS3 and Vita

Added: 09.06.2014 21:24 | 3 views | 0 comments

Available right now on the PlayStation Store for PS4.

The game is available to download right now for PS4, priced at $9.99 in the US, check the store for local pricing. The game will come to PS3 and Vita at a later date and available through Sony's Cross-Buy scheme.

Entwined tells the story of two souls in love but destined to never be together. Players use the Dualshock 4 (on PlayStation 4) to control both characters at the same time. By bringing the two characters together, you can transform them into powerful dragons.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: White PS4 console coming in September

Added: 09.06.2014 21:17 | 3 views | 0 comments

Glacier White console to launch alongside Destiny.

The console will be launch as part of an exclusive hardware bundle on September 9 along with a copy of Destiny and a white DualShock 4.

A price for the white console has yet to be announced.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Destiny beta comes to PlayStation on July 17

Added: 09.06.2014 21:15 | 3 views | 0 comments

PS4 first-look alpha begins Thursday on PS4.

Furthermore, an exclusive PS4 alpha will begin on Thursday. Sign up to take part on greatnessawaits.com/destiny.

In addition, a Glacia white PS4 bundle with Destiny will be available September 9. The bundle includes a 500GB PS4, white DS3, Destiny game and a 30 day PS Plus trial.

Watch E3 live with VideoGamer and join in with our live chat.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Tom Clancy's The Division (PS4)

Added: 09.06.2014 20:09 | 3 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: The Crew (PS4)

Added: 09.06.2014 20:06 | 4 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Far Cry 4 (PS4)

Added: 09.06.2014 19:55 | 3 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Far Cry, Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Assassin's Creed Unity special editions revealed

Added: 09.06.2014 19:47 | 11 views | 0 comments

4 different SKUs on the way for next-gen Assassin’s Creed.

Each special edition contains a range of additional content, with the most extravagant – the Guillotine Collector’s Case – featuring a 41cm-high figurine of lead character Arno on a bloody guillotine.

Prices for each of the special editions have yet to be announced.

Assassin’s Creed Unity: Special Edition

- Assassin’s Creed Unity game - 1 additional single player mission for an extra 30 minutes of gameplay: The Chemical Revolution: Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier is considered to be the "Father of Modern Chemistry". As a result of his efforts, he...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Assassin's Creed Unity (PS4)

Added: 09.06.2014 19:33 | 3 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Creed, Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Rainbow Six Siege (PS4)

Added: 09.06.2014 19:15 | 4 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Rainbox Six Siege coming in 2015 to Xbox One, PS4 and PC

Added: 09.06.2014 19:10 | 2 views | 0 comments

From Ubisoft Montreal – check the multiplayer gameplay trailer.

From Ubisoft Montreal, RB6 Siege was premiered during Ubisoft's E3 conference with a multiplayer demo in which a hostage must be saved.

The game is Inspired by the reality of counter terrorist operatives across the world, and invites players to master the art of destruction in close quarters confrontations.

Ubisoft Montreal is making use of Ubisoft's shared Anvil-Next engine, but with the addition of its internally produced Realblast engine which enables procedural destruction. The Realblast team has been dedicated to Rainbow Six for the past year and a...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: D4 (Xbox One)

Added: 09.06.2014 18:55 | 3 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Xbox, Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: The Division CGI Trailer direct from E3 2014

Added: 09.06.2014 18:53 | 3 views | 0 comments

You are the hope of New York City.

The trailer paints an extremely bleak picture of life in New York City, focussing on those who choose to fight and save the city.

The Division will launch in 2015 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Watch E3 live with VideoGamer and join in with our live chat.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: NHL 15 (PS4)

Added: 09.06.2014 18:52 | 3 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: EA Sports PGA Tour (PS4)

Added: 09.06.2014 18:44 | 15 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Xbox One E3 2014 Games Montage Trailer

Added: 09.06.2014 18:38 | 2 views | 0 comments

Remind yourself of all the games coming to Xbox One later in 2014 and 2015.

Source: www.videogamer.com

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