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News: Sony overtakes Nintendo in annual console sales for first time in eight years

Added: 09.06.2014 6:44 | 0 views | 0 comments

Sony outsells Nintendo by over two million hardware units in fiscal year.

For the fiscal year to March, Sony sold 18.7 million consoles, while Nintendo sold 16.3 million, according to Nikkei Business Daily (reported by Yahoo! Finance).

The last time Sony topped the console market was back in March 2006, before poor PS3 numbers caused the company to fall behind Nintendo thanks to strong Wii and DS sales.

Nikkei added it expected Sony to hold on to top spot as Nintendo has few noteworthy releases planned for the rest of the year.

Microsoft also enjoyed a sales bump thanks to the launch of the Xbox One, with an 11 per cent increase...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Crackdown 3 to be announced tonight - Rumour

Added: 09.06.2014 6:17 | 1 views | 0 comments

Sandbox series to be revived during Microsoft's E3 press conference, according to reports.

According to the source, it is unclear whether the game will be an Xbox One exclusive, or also come to Xbox 360, and whether or not it will be a brand new game or remaster of the 2007 original.

Crackdown first debuted in 2007 and was largely successful, thanks at first due to the inclusion of the Halo 3 beta. Its sequel, Crackdown 2, came three years later in 2010.

Follow E3 2014 live with VideoGamer.com this evening from 5:30pm when Microsoft kicks off a night of conferences.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Bungie finally explains the structure of Destiny

Added: 09.06.2014 6:14 | 2 views | 0 comments

Forced to speak after leaked Alpha footage left some gamers concerned about the ambitious game.

"There's a lot of confusion here, and we haven't done the best job ever of explaining the game or its structure," wrote Destiny lead designer Luke Smith.

"First, Destiny is structured into Activities," he added. "We've attempted to build a suite of activities that can suit a variety of moods (I want something challenging! I want to chill out with my friends! I want to see where the story goes next! I want to shoot other players!, I want the game to be a cruel dominatrix! et cetera)"

These activities can be split into five distinct sections:

Story missions -...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: New live action Battlefield Hardline trailer

Added: 09.06.2014 5:55 | 1 views | 0 comments

Cops and robbers gearing up for action in the latest video.

Visceral Games' cops-and-robbers shooter is set to launch on October 21, and EA is due to show more of the game during tonight's E3 press conference.

Follow E3 2014 live with VideoGamer.com this evening from 5:30pm when Microsoft kicks off a night of conferences.

Source: MP1st

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Cliffhorse is the new game from the creator of Minecraft

Added: 09.06.2014 5:16 | 1 views | 0 comments

You play as a horse that lives on cliffs.

Say hello to Cliffhorse, a game about a horse that lives on cliffs.

An early access build is available for free via cliffhorse.com. Those who wish can make a donation via Dogecoin.

"I can't believe this somehow ended up being my first commercial game after Minecraft," wrote Persson on Twitter, who seems just as baffled as we are by the whole thing.

This game is for you if you love horses and procedurally-generated cliffs.

Source: cliffhorse.com, @notch

Tags: Minecraft
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Mirror's Edge teased with new artwork and E32014 hash tag

Added: 09.06.2014 4:47 | 3 views | 0 comments

Have faith the game will feature during tonight's conference.

The Mirror's Edge Facebook page posted a new artwork for the game, along with the description "#E32014".

You don't have to be Benedict Cumberbatch to be able to work out that this means it's highly likely the new game will feature in some form during EA's conference.

A next-generation entry in the Mirror's Edge franchise was announced at E3 last year, with DICE stating it would be more reboot than a sequel.

Follow E3 2014 live with VideoGamer.com this evening from 5:30pm when Microsoft kicks off a night of conferences. EA will be next at 8pm BST.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: UK Video Game Chart: Watch Dogs holds at No.1

Added: 09.06.2014 4:36 | 3 views | 0 comments

Murdered is new at No.3, whilst Mario Kart 8 sticks in second place.

The game is Ubisoft's first to hold on for a second week at the top since Ghost Recon: Future Solider back in week 22 of 2012.

Mario Kart 8 is also a non-mover at No.2, sales down 76 per cent week-on-week, meaning Square Enix's Murdered: Soul Suspect must settle for third spot – the game was only 400 units behind Nintendo's racer.

Wolfenstein takes fourth, FIFA 14 is fifth, and 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil holds at No.6.

NCSoft's Wildstar is new at No.14, one place ahead of 3DS curiosity Tomodachi Life at No.15.

Source: UKIE Games Charts, compiled...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: New Square Enix trademarks suggest Tomb Raider sequel on the way

Added: 09.06.2014 4:29 | 10 views | 0 comments

Two domain names snapped up by Square Enix over the weekend.

LaraCroftandtheTempleofOsiris.com and RiseoftheTombRaider.com were registered by the publisher last Friday (spotted by superannuation).

Crystal Dynamics is rumoured to announce a new IP at E3 this week, rather than a sequel to the successful Tomb Raider reboot, which means one of these domains could be a sequel to the downloadable Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.

We don't have long to wait until Square Enix unveil what its teams are working on.

Follow E3 2014 live with VideoGamer.com this evening from 5:30pm when Microsoft kicks off a night of...

News: The Last of Us Remastered coming to PS4 in October - Rumour

Added: 09.06.2014 4:26 | 1 views | 0 comments

Leaked ad suggests PS4 version of Naughty Dog's blockbuster is further away than expected.

The image was spotted by Dualshockers, who grabbed a screen shot of the advert.

A recent Tweet from retailer GAME suggested the title could be just weeks away from release, before Sony confirmed the posting was incorrect.

With Sony set to hold its E3 press conference today at 6pm Pacific time (2am BST), we surely don't have long to wait before getting a definitive launch date on the re-release.

Follow E3 2014 live with VideoGamer.com this evening from 5:30pm when Microsoft kicks off a night of conferences.

Source: DualShockers

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Sunset Overdrive is ready for E3

Added: 09.06.2014 4:08 | 1 views | 0 comments

Are you ready to see the Sunset Overdrive Bus?

The bus isn't just any bus, it's a special Sunset Overdrive bus.

"This bus has everything you could possibly want, from a steering wheel covered in years' worth of duct tape to tires that have been lovingly 'crafted into a shape with an infinite number of sides.' It's even got fridge stocked full of the delicious, decidedly not-nutritious Overcharge Delirium XT that may or may not turn those who drink it into horrifying mutations," explains Xbox Wire.

Look out for more from the bus tonight from 5:30pm BST.

Follow E3 2014 live with VideoGamer.com...

Tags: Xbox, Lots
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: The Last Guardian is in full development, not cancelled, confirms PlayStation boss

Added: 09.06.2014 3:53 | 1 views | 0 comments

IGN issues full apology for getting it wrong.

Over the weekend IGN – using IGN Russia sources – posted a story stating the game had been canned. However, speaking to Geoff Keighley, the PlayStation boss put this rumour to bed.

"Just interviewed Shawn Layden, new CEO of SCEA. He says The Last Guardian is in full development in Japan. Unequivocally," Tweeted Keighley.

IGN has also published a retraction and deep apology for its error.

So, does this mean we'll finally see more on The heavily delayed title at E3 tonight? We'll have to wait and see.

Follow E3 2014 live with VideoGamer.com this...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain trailer leaks ahead of E3

Added: 09.06.2014 3:36 | 1 views | 0 comments

It's in Japanese, but that doesn't matter.

There's a lot going on, and quite lot of blood, but you best see it for yourself.

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain - E3 2014 Trailer by Xboxygen

Konami is yet to put a firm release date on the title, actually stating "coming 1984" at the end of the new trailer.

For all things E3 2014 stick with VideoGamer.com throughout the week, starting this evening at 5:30pm BST for the Xbox Conference live stream and live chat with the team.

Source: Xboxygen

News: Does the Assassin's Creed Unity E3 poster confirm four-player co-op?

Added: 09.06.2014 3:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Four different assassin's spotted on the giant LA Convention Center banner.

Our own Jim Trinca managed to take a grab shortly after arriving in LA.

Rumours of a four-player cooperative narrative first emerged in April over on The Escapist. The game is set in Paris during the French Revolution.

Follow E3 2014 live with VideoGamer.com this evening from 5:30pm when Microsoft kicks off a night of conferences.

Source: @Auld_Da_Jim

Source: www.videogamer.com

2 New Cheats

Added: 07.06.2014 10:05 | 2 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest cheats at VideoGamer.com

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Review: Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion (PS4)

Added: 07.06.2014 7:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

A straight-up fight, and another bug hunt.

Mutiny, a square-ish arena filled with ambush-ready corners and different levels that make sniping a legitimate strategy, features a pirate ship. Pharaoh is set in dusty tombs and catacombs, (it's also reminiscent of Ruins from the Devastation DLC), and features bugs that can obscure the player's vision. It's a large stage that also encourages sniping (the main courtyard being a great, if obvious spot), and thanks to the cramped locations of A and B it's a good Search and Rescue pick.

Departed is the last of the new additions, and is set at the Mexican Day of the Dead festival....

Tags: Dead, Cave, Ghosts
Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: Nintendo E3 2014 Live Stream and Chat 17:00 BST June 10

Added: 06.06.2014 12:26 | 2 views | 0 comments

We've got to see the new Zelda game for Wii U haven't we?

Not a live media briefing, but a pre-prepared video presentation, Nintendo certainly likes doing things a little differently.

2014 has to be the year we finally see The Legend of Zelda on Wii U, plus we're sure to be shown Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U, Nintendo's answer to Skylanders and much more. It's also entirely possible a new Super Mario game for Wii U will be revealed, likely for release in 2015.

We'll have an embed of the Nintendo Digital Event on this page, in addition to a pop-out chat room where you can react to events alongside the VideoGamer...

Feature: Sony E3 2014 Live Stream and Chat 02:00 BST June 10

Added: 06.06.2014 12:26 | 2 views | 0 comments

It's late, but does Sony have any surprises to keep our eyes open for?

The question is, will Sony produce the goods to make missing your bed time worthwhile? We're sure to see more on The Order 1886 and Driveclub, but beyond that we're a little unsure. We're hoping Uncharted on PS4 is shown with in-game visuals, plus there's the heavily rumoured Project Beast from Sony Japan and From Software.

Sony's also got a bit of a crush on indie games at the moment, so you can expect something similar to what we saw during its conference last year.

We'll have an embed of the conference live stream on this page, in addition to a pop-out chat room...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: Ubisoft E3 2014 Live Stream and Chat 23:00 BST June 9

Added: 06.06.2014 12:26 | 4 views | 0 comments

Can Ubisoft make it a hat-trick of E3 successes with another big reveal?

We're sure to see gameplay for Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, The Crew and The Division, but there's no way Ubisoft will stop there. Ubisoft conference favourite Aisha Tyler will also be on hand to dish out more #girlwood jokes.

We'll have an embed of the conference live stream on this page, in addition to a pop-out chat room where you can react to events alongside the VideoGamer team.

Ubisoft's hour-long E3 Media Briefing begins at 23:00, meaning you've got a few hours to power nap once EA's conference ends.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: EA E3 2014 Live Stream and Chat 20:00 BST June 9

Added: 06.06.2014 12:25 | 1 views | 0 comments

This could be a big one with FIFA 15, Madden 15, Dragon Age Inquisition, Battlefield Hardline, The Sims 4 and more.

We're also hoping to see something on the new Mass Effect and Star Wars Battlefront, plus EA's promised six new games.

We'll have an embed of the conference live stream on this page, in addition to a pop-out chat room where you can react to events alongside the VideoGamer team.

The fun begins at 20:00 so be sure to be logged into the chat room with plenty of time to spare.

Feature: Microsoft E3 2014 Live Stream and Chat 17:30 BST June 9

Added: 06.06.2014 12:25 | 1 views | 0 comments

Halo 5, Fable Legends, Forza Horizon 2 and more are sure to feature.

Last year Sony stole a march on its arch rival, but there's growing belief that Microsoft may have the goods to come out of this year's show in a much stronger position.

We expect a major look at Halo 5 to be the big event of the show, but also look out for gameplay from Forza Horizon 2, Fable Legends, Killer Instinct: Season 2 and action from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Other possibles are the rumoured Halo Collection, and potentially a third-party exclusive.

We'll have an embed of the conference live stream on this page, in addition to a pop-out chat room where...

Source: www.videogamer.com

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