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News: PS4 PS Vita Ultimate Player Edition bundle listed by Amazon

Added: 05.06.2014 5:05 | 2 views | 0 comments

579 Euro bundle coming in July, retailer states.

The 'Ultimate Player Edition' bundle allegedly includes a 500GB PS4, a wi-fi PS Vita and a DualShock 4, and is dated for release on July 4.

Amazon lists the bundle at 579.99 Euros (£470), 180 Euros (£146) more than the standalone PS4.

An image of the bundle first appeared in November 2013 for release the following month, but it failed to materialise. Sony has yet to formally announce the bundle.

Source: amazon.fr

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Valve warns Steam users devs may never complete Early Access games

Added: 05.06.2014 4:35 | 0 views | 0 comments

Only buy if you're "excited about playing it in its current state".

That's the somewhat obvious warning given by Valve in an Early Access Q&A.

"It's up to the developer to determine when they are ready to 'release'," explains the Q&A. "Some developers have a concrete deadline in mind, while others will get a better sense as the development of the game progresses.

"You should be aware that some teams will be unable to 'finish' their game. So you should only buy an Early Access game if you are excited about playing it in its current state."

Jumping in at Early Access is a risk many appear happy to take, but be aware...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Crystal Dynamics to announce new game at E3 - but don't expect Tomb Raider 2

Added: 05.06.2014 4:33 | 9 views | 0 comments

Will we finally see the studio's new IP?

The wording of Game Trailers' report specifically states that the developer will "make a new game announcement", suggesting it won't be the PS4/Xbox One Tomb Raider sequel announced last year.

Besides Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics has previously worked on Gex, Pandemonium and Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. Could it be a sequel to one of those, or could we finally see the new IP Crystal's been cooking up for some time?

All will be revealed next week.

Source: gametrailers.com

News: Xbox One gets 10% power boost

Added: 05.06.2014 4:15 | 3 views | 0 comments

Kinect functionality no longer hogging GPU resources.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer announced the news on Twitter last night.

"June #XboxOne software dev kit gives devs access to more GPU bandwidth. More performance, new tools and flexibility to make games better," wrote the exec.

This was later expanded on in a statement provided to Eurogamer.

"The additional resources allow access to up to 10 per cent additional GPU performance. We're committed to giving developers new tools and flexibility to make their Xbox One games even better by giving them the option to use the GPU reserve in whatever way is best for them and...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Mirror's Edge info coming at E3

Added: 05.06.2014 4:15 | 4 views | 0 comments

Update on DICE's reboot coming at EA's E3 press conference.

An update on the project will allegedly be provided during EA's press conference on Monday, alongside additional details on Dragon Age: Inquisition and Criterion's next project.

Mirror's Edge was announced at E3 last year and is expected to be an open-world reboot of the 2008 original.

But Mirror's Edge won't be all we'll see from DICE at this year's show. As well as teaming up with Visceral on Battlefield Hardline, fo on Star Wars: Battlefront is expected to be revealed, too.

Source: gametrailers.com

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Criterion's next game will be revealed at E3

Added: 05.06.2014 4:10 | 5 views | 0 comments

But it probably isn't a new Burnout.

Game Trailers states that the new game will be shown during EA's E3 press conference on Monday, alongside "world premieres [of] nearly a half-dozen new games".

The game is expected to be the next-gen new IP teased by EA earlier in the year, although whether it's a new racer remains to be seen.

Criterion downsized significantly last year, with the majority of its team splintering off to form Ghost Games UK. It later lost co-founders Alex Ward and Fiona Sperry, who left to form independent studio Three Fields Entertainment.

Criterion's most recent title was...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: VideoGamer at E3 2014 - The Promo

Added: 04.06.2014 14:32 | 1 views | 0 comments

Look forward to a bunch of really stupid videos from the biggest gaming event of the year! VideoGamer at E3 2014!

Tags: Games, Lots
Source: www.videogamer.com

Download: Pre-E3 Party Podcast VideoGamer UK Podcast

Added: 04.06.2014 13:16 | 1 views | 0 comments

Expect wild speculation and misinformation!

Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: VideoGamer UK Podcast: Episode 64

Added: 04.06.2014 13:15 | 1 views | 0 comments

Expect wild speculation and misinformation!

No time stamps this week, as it's a bit all over the place!

Tags: Games, Episode
Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Dying Light: E3 Gameplay Trailer

Added: 04.06.2014 12:39 | 11 views | 0 comments

Techland releases brand new gameplay of its upcoming survival brawler ahead of next week's show.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Dark Souls 2 DLC kicks off next month with The Crown of the Sunken King

Added: 04.06.2014 12:39 | 1 views | 0 comments

DLC trilogy to roll-out between July and September.

Bandai Namco has announced three new DLC packs heading to Dark Souls 2 between July and September.

The Lost Crowns Trilogy features brand new bosses, additional challenges and original areas, with the first chapter 'Crown of the Sunken King' sending players into an "entirely different world” to reclaim the crowns of Drangleic's King Vendrick.

"Crown of the Sunken King, the first chapter in the trilogy, sends players on a journey to reclaim the crowns that Drangleic's King Vendrick once owned," says Bandai Namco. "Crown of the Sunken King features an entirely...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Forza Horizon 2 is 1080p/30fps on Xbox One

Added: 04.06.2014 12:24 | 1 views | 0 comments

1080p is "the benchmark for next-gen", says creative director.

"I think what we did on Horizon was demonstrate that, and this is really important, a locked frame rate that's absolutely solid and never drops is the most important thing for our game," creative director Ralph Fulton told IGN. "30 [frames-per-second] actually enables us to realise that experience."

"I think I remember that's always a hot-button topic, until a game comes out and people go, 'Oh, this actually really works.' But 1080p was an absolute must for us; it’s the benchmark for next-gen."

The tech specs make the Xbox One racer like-for-like with PS4's...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Tetris Ultimate hits PS4 Xbox One this summer

Added: 04.06.2014 12:21 | 1 views | 0 comments

Lands on PC later this autumn.

Developed by SoMA Play Inc., the game offers a modern-day spin on the classic puzzle formula with multiple fast-paced modes and a four-player multiplayer mode.

Modes include:

Marathon – Get to level 15 and rack up as many points as you can.Endless – Go as high as level 30 and keep clearing lines as long as possible.Ultra – Get your highest score before time runs out in this three-minute challenge.Sprint – Clear 40 lines as quickly as you can.Battle – Go head-to-head to knock out your opponents.Power-Up Battle – Be the last person playing after using crazy...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Tetris Ultimate (PS4)

Added: 04.06.2014 12:15 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Ubisoft says partnership with Nvidia has enhanced PC game experience – Watch Dogs disagrees

Added: 04.06.2014 11:59 | 0 views | 0 comments

Extends partnership to future titles, Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, The Crew and The Division.

Nvidia's GameWorks Team is said to be working closely with Ubisoft's development studios to help create game worlds that deliver unprecedented realism and immersion. Technologies such as TXAA antialiasing, soft shadows, HBAO+, advanced DX11 tessellation, and NVIDIA PhysX technology will be utilised.

"Working with NVIDIA has enabled us to bring an enhanced gameplay experience to our PC players," said Geoffroy Sardin, senior vice president of sales and marketing, Ubisoft. "We look forward to continuing our partnership with NVIDIA on our biggest upcoming titles."


Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Twitter Vine coming to Xbox One – but only in the US

Added: 04.06.2014 11:48 | 0 views | 0 comments

Now TV, Vevo and Sky News on the way, too.

More than 45 new entertainment apps are heading to Xbox One and Xbox 360 in the future, Microsoft has announced, including Twitter and Vine.

The social media apps form a part of a new wave of experiences set to release on Xbox One later this year but – disappointingly - they'll only be available to download in the US at launch.

UK users can look forward to Now TV, Vevo, Sky News, Crunchyroll, Filmbox Live, GoPro, Kdrama, MLG, NBA, NHL, Picturebox and TuneIn, with many more set to launch on the other side of the pond, including Comedy Central and HBO Go.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Defiance is now free-to-play on PC

Added: 04.06.2014 10:12 | 16 views | 0 comments

Trion targeting July 15 free-to-play launch on PS3 and Xbox 360.

Trion aims to launch free-to-play versions on PS3 and Xbox 360 on July 15.

Players can download the Defiance client and experience the entire Bay Area storyline, original end-game content, and future missions completely for free.

Those buying a new boxed or digital copy of the game will be granted the following: A grant of 1,000 Arkforge, in-game currency redeemable for resetting weapon mastery, upgrading a weapon's power rating or even bumping an uncommon weapon to epic rarity.4 Character Slots, 5 Loadouts, up to 75 Ark Keycodes and a minimum 70 Inventory Slots.30...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Wii Sports Club gets disc-based retail release on July 11

Added: 04.06.2014 9:43 | 3 views | 0 comments

Final two sports Baseball and Boxing launch digitally on June 27.

Those interested in the eShop versions will be able to finish the collection on June 27 when Baseball and Basketball launch. Both sports have been updated with HD graphics, new Wii Remote Plus controls, online play and Miiverse community features.

In Baseball, Wii Remote Plus controls enable greater control and precision when attempting to hit a home run. Pitching is performed using the GamePad in an upright position, with the action taking place in first-person view.

With Boxing, players can use a Wii Remote Plus controller in each hand to replicate each arm of the...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Gauntlet (2014): Relics Trailer

Added: 04.06.2014 9:23 | 1 views | 0 comments

Warner Bros.' reboot ventures onto Steam on September 3.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Review: Murdered: Soul Suspect (PS4)

Added: 04.06.2014 8:07 | 1 views | 0 comments


I join Ronan O’Connor moments after his murder, watching as he struggles to come to terms with his death and learn the ways of the afterlife. We discover he can pass through (some) buildings and possess people in order to gain information. So far, so good: I empathise with Ronan’s confusion and am equally suspicious of the strange ghost girl who is telling him of his spectral powers.

Then, moments after struggling to open a door, Ronan exorcises a demon with consummate ease (via QTE), as if he’s been trained by Yvette Fielding in some off-screen montage.


Tags: Soul
Source: www.videogamer.com

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