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News: Real life Mario is the stuff of nightmares

Added: 29.05.2014 4:33 | 2 views | 0 comments

Mario Kart 8 Mercedes-Benz DLC confirmed.

So bizarre is the DLC that it looks like one of those battery powered cars kids get for Christmas.

As part of the promotion a real life Mario appears in a Mercedes commercial. Hope you don't plan on sleeping anytime soon.

Nintendo UK told Eurogamer: "As for the information relating to the distribution of the GLA kart for MK8 outside Japan, we will be able to announce in the near future."

Source: NeoGAF

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Battlefield 3 is free on Origin

Added: 29.05.2014 4:08 | 8 views | 0 comments

Part of EA's On the House promotion.

Origin users can download the PC game free until June 3, saving approximately £15 based on its usual selling price.

The game follows previous freebies, Dead Space and Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year Edition.

"There's no catch," explained EA back in March. "Grab full games, expansions and more at absolutely no cost. Just make sure to act fast because On the House specials can appear and disappear at any time."

Source: Origin.com

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Watch Dogs becomes Ubisoft's fastest selling game despite launch issues

Added: 29.05.2014 3:56 | 1 views | 0 comments

Sold more copies in its first 24 hours than any previous title in the publisher's history.

"Watch Dogs is an amazing achievement and our teams should be proud that the creativity, innovation and long hours they invested in making this game are paying off," commented Ubisoft's co-founder and CEO Yves Guillemot. "It's great to see so many players enjoying the game, and it shows that Watch Dogs has cracked the code for developing a new blockbuster IP and a thoroughly new-gen experience."

The record breaking launch for Watch Dogs is based on internal estimates for worldwide sales data on all platforms as of May 28.

Ubisoft hasn't revealed sales figures for Watch...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: CD Projekt RED summer conference to reveal more about The Witcher 3

Added: 29.05.2014 3:29 | 0 views | 0 comments

Will be live-streamed on June 5.

Studio co-founder Marcin Iwiński will join forces with the GOG.com to present news about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the future of DRM-free e-store GOG.com.

"If you think you've seen it all, we hope we'll make you think again," said Iwiński "This year's conference is going to be really special, as we'll be unveiling details about the much anticipated Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and its Collector's Edition, and also taking a look at how what you love about GOG.com can be made even better."

Check the official trailer for the conference below, whilst the conference itself...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: VideoGamer UK Podcast: Episode 63

Added: 28.05.2014 13:05 | 1 views | 0 comments

Watch_Dogs and catching up with Scammell on his holidays - it's the VideoGamer UK Podcast!

You can ask questions on the forum, by tweeting @VideoGamerCom, or by posting on our Facebook.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Download: Episode 63 VideoGamer UK Podcast

Added: 28.05.2014 13:02 | 1 views | 0 comments

Watch_Dogs and catching up with Scammell on his holidays - it's the VideoGamer UK Podcast!

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Celebrate Batman turning 75 with these bat-based deals on PSN

Added: 28.05.2014 11:47 | 11 views | 0 comments

It's not just the Dark Knight who could save something today.

You'll find savings to be made on full games and DLC packs for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.

Injustice: Gods Among Us on PS4 for only £12.79 stands out as a pretty good deal.

Full Games

Batman: Arkham Asylum Was €19.99/AU$24.95/£15.99, now €4.99/AU$7.35/£3.99

Batman Arkham City Was €19.99/AU$24.95/£15.99, now €4.99/AU$7.35/£3.99

Batman Arkham Origins Was €59.99/AU$89.95/£49.99, now €14.99/AU$17.95/£10.99

Injustice: Gods Among Us PS4 (Ultimate Edition) Was €59.99/AU$84.95/£54.99, now €14.99/AU$21.55/£12.79

Source: www.videogamer.com

Review: Worms Battlegrounds (PS4)

Added: 28.05.2014 11:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

It’s a Worms game.

Imagine a world without Worms games. It’d be exactly the same, except without Worms games. If you woke up in an alternate reality tomorrow, a universe which didn’t have Worms games, it’d take you at least a decade to notice.

You’d say “but I remember playing this, you had teams of little worms, and they had exploding sheep and comedy regional accents, it was brilliant”.


“Well, not brilliant. It was fun for a bit. In the 90s. Don’t you remember?”

“No. Oh, by the way, I need that report on my desk by 5pm.”

Tags: World
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: BattleCry is a 32-player free to play action game from Bethesda and BattleCry Studios

Added: 28.05.2014 10:46 | 3 views | 0 comments

Step into the world envisioned by Viktor Antonov.

The game is the first project since the studio formed in 2012 with the aim to create fun, high-quality online experiences for a connected world.

BattleCry Studios is led by industry veteran Rich Vogel, who is joined by seasoned developers with decades of experience.

Players will step into a world envisioned by Viktor Antonov (Half-Life 2, Dishonored) where gun powder has been banned following a cataclysmic world war at the dawn of the 20th century. Traditional warfare is a thing of the past and all conflicts are settled head-on by elite teams of chosen warriors in...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Battlecry: Reveal Trailer

Added: 28.05.2014 10:39 | 12 views | 0 comments

Step into a bold, expressive world envisioned by Viktor Antonov.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Battlecry (PC)

Added: 28.05.2014 10:28 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Hazard Ops: 28 Ways to Die Trailer

Added: 28.05.2014 10:12 | 1 views | 0 comments

Being a Mercenary isn't always about guns and glory. It;s time to PLAY HARD and DIE HARD.

Tags: Trailer, Wake
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: State of Decay Lifeline DLC to be released May 30

Added: 28.05.2014 9:57 | 7 views | 0 comments

A new story featuring military unit Greyhound One.

The new add-on sees players stepping into the shoes of military unit Greyhound One, and must fend of a zombie invasion of a new city.

Greyhound One is comprised of Major Alicia Hawkes, Sergeant Kilohana "Kilo" Young, Private Royell "Vince" Vincent, and Sergeant Kelly "Sasquatch" Eldridge, each with their own personalities and attitudes.

Lifeline will be priced $6.99, which will probably end up being around £5.

Source: undeadlabs.com, IGN

Tags: Staff, Major, Decay
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Second Hitman game for smartphones and tablets to be announced soon

Added: 28.05.2014 9:41 | 0 views | 0 comments

Square Enix Montreal's game is lots of fun says IO.

IO says it has been playing the game in the studio and it's proving to be "a lot of fun".

In addition, Square Enix Montreal will soon be announcing details of updates for its first mobile Hitman title, Hitman GO.

Look out for more on both in an upcoming hitman.com blog post.

Source: hitman.com

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: New Hitman won't be shown at E3, but here's the first concept art

Added: 28.05.2014 9:28 | 0 views | 0 comments

IO is making great progress with the game, but it will remain under wraps for a while longer.

"Since we posted our open letter back in January, we've had our heads down working on our next Hitman game," explained the blog post.

The blog continued: "First up, we've seen a lot of people talking about what we might be bringing to E3 this year. We know the worst thing is to hope for something that doesn't turn up; so we wanted to let you know that our next Hitman is going to be under wraps for a bit longer. We're focusing all of our time and efforts into creating the best possible Hitman game. That's our number one priority and we don't want to divert valuable resources to...

Tags: First, Hitman
Source: www.videogamer.com

Preview : GRID Autosport (Xbox 360)

Added: 28.05.2014 9:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

GRID Autosport ticks all the right boxes... so why does it lack that thrill of the chase?

In doing so, the team has created something that focuses on five driving disciplines for players to sink their teeth into and work up the ranks: endurance, street, open wheel, tuner and touring. All unique enough in their own right for players to find their niche and plough into, with objectives within each race and season to earn experience.

All sounds interesting. So why when I pick up the pad am I bored?

The first reason is the AI. Next-gen gaming introduced ‘the cloud’, and with it, Turn 10 introduced Drivatar in Forza Motorsport 5. More than a simple buzzword,...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Chibi-Robo! Let's Go, Photo! coming to 3DS on July 3

Added: 28.05.2014 7:41 | 1 views | 0 comments

Promises to change the way you look at the world around you.

The game sees the loveable little robot return in a photo scavenger hunt that uses the 3DS cameras to bring real-world objects into Chibi-Robo's world.

Chibi-Robo has been tasked with opening a museum. The Curator wishes to immortalise real-world objects as NostalJunk to put on display, and it's the player's job as Chibi-Robo to help him fill his exhibition rooms using your very own photographs.

You'll need to accurately line-up in-game silhouettes with real world objects, take the picture and see the objects transformed into the coveted NostalJunk.


Tags: Jump, Roll
Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Chibi-Robo! Let's Go, Photo! (3DS)

Added: 28.05.2014 7:39 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Battlefield Hardline gameplay video leaked online

Added: 28.05.2014 6:46 | 1 views | 0 comments

Video confirms game went by the codename Omaha.

The video references Omaha as the game's name, which was one of the codenames linked to the project.

Single-player is split into stages based on the idea of TV show episodes, each with cliffhangers. There's an all-star cast from the world of TV too, including talent from The Americans, House of Cards and Justified.

Battlefield's focus on destruction and vehicle combat is also heavily featured.

It's not clear when this video was produced and if the game featured accurately represents what Visceral will show off in a few weeks at E3.

The offending...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Steam Machines delayed until 2015, probably

Added: 28.05.2014 6:08 | 1 views | 0 comments

Number one priority is to create the best gaming experience possible.

"We've been getting emails from the Steam community asking us how our in-development Steam Machines are coming along," reads a Steam blog post. "It's great that you're excited about it, and we know you appreciate it when we keep you in the loop on stuff like this, so we wanted to give you all a quick update.

"We're now using wireless prototype controllers to conduct live playtests, with everyone from industry professionals to die-hard gamers to casual gamers. It's generating a ton of useful feedback, and it means we'll be able to make the controller a lot better. Of course,...

Tags: Steve
Source: www.videogamer.com

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