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Do We Really Need a BioShock Collection for Current-Gen Consoles?

Added: 21.09.2015 10:31 | 450 views | 0 comments

Seriously, what is the deal with all of these remakes, remasters, ports, and "Definitive Editions" this generation? We've seen it with Tomb Raider, we've seen it with The Last of Us, Dishonored, Gear of War, and we've seen it with nearly every entry in the Halo franchise!

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend Horses-On Preview [TGS 2015]

Added: 20.09.2015 11:00 | 384 views | 0 comments

What button kills a guy? Every button kills a guy. Everything I touched in Arslan: The Warriors of Legend was killing people. Much like that time everybody was allegedly kung-fu fighting, I was chopping them up and chopping them down. This type of war can indeed be seen as an ancient Chinese art, and all those stooges definitely knew their part. Their part was to get killed by me.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

What Games Are You Trying to Play But Can't? Or Succeeding at Playing? I Can't Bend My Right Knee

Added: 20.09.2015 9:59 | 563 views | 0 comments

That's a lady in the damn tub — let's call her, I don't know, "Tub Girl" or something for short — playing a game and using her Xperia phone while in a clear bathtub. It's clear so that we can make sure the water down there is doing its job, which is to... to ah... the....

Tags: Games, Play, When, Been
Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Phantasy Star Online 2 PS4 Ver. Hands-On - Phan Service [TGS 2015]

Added: 20.09.2015 3:26 | 332 views | 0 comments

Oh dear.

This is like bringing your recovering alcoholic friend to a party at a frat house. He pulls out his 6-month chip and stares at you, hoping you say it's not a good idea and pull him away from this place. But you do no such thing. Your selfish ass is only concerned with getting drunk, but you don't wanna go to this party alone, so you bring him right in and lets his crippling addiction run wild, consequences be damned.

Tags: Online, Star, York
Source: www.gamerevolution.com

See Some Guy Play Summer Lesson for Almost 4 Minutes (And I Might be on Taiwan TV Doing the Same?)

Added: 19.09.2015 9:00 | 407 views | 0 comments

Summer Lesson is a VR game in which you play a language teacher. You're so good at language that all you can do is shake your head yes and no. A real pro. I see why these girls hired you.

So here's some guy playing it for a few minutes. When I played, I was of course talking quite loudly to the VR machine and quite animated. Most people, however, are not as crowd pleasing. For this, the universe apologizes.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Watch Trico Kinda Ignore People at TGS 2015

Added: 19.09.2015 4:41 | 303 views | 0 comments

The 2015 Tokyo Game Show had a life-sized Trico (the monster from The Last Guardian), which may or may not have cared about your presence. Don't Ignore: Ace Attorney 6 Hands-On Dark Souls III Hands-On Tokyo Game Show Podcast: Sony Presser Reaction

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Ace Attorney 6 Hands-On Preview - Rumble in the Legal Jungle [TGS 2015]

Added: 18.09.2015 23:44 | 127 views | 0 comments

The sixth installment of the Ace Attorney series was playable on the TGS show floor this year. Capcom's popular puzzle/visual-novel hybrid series follows the adventures of Phoenix Wright as he improves his skills as a defense attorney and brings justice to victims of an inept and often cruel criminal justice system. But Ace Attorney 6 has Phoenix doing his lawyering in the country of Kline—a land where the courts are essentially run by the dead.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Destiny: The Taken King - Review in Progress

Added: 18.09.2015 20:00 | 297 views | 0 comments

"Take me with you."

I remember chuckling when I heard Cayde as voiced by Nathan Fillion say this in the Phantasy Star Online-like lobby known as The Tower the first time I set out for adventure in Destiny. Once I finished the story’s campaign I felt like Cayde was lucky not to have endured such extremely repetitive level design. The Taken King, the most expensive ($39.99) and biggest expansion to date for Destiny, makes good on Cayde’s throwaway line. I’m only about three hours into the story, but things are looking up, and it’s in no small part by the inclusion of not just Cayde but a few other notable characters too.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

GR Strips 76 - The Longest Ugh

Added: 18.09.2015 20:00 | 571 views | 0 comments

Not safe for Miiverse.
Much thanks to UghRochester for the inspiration!

Tags: Strike
Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Persona 5 Trailer Analysis: But I Don't Want to Wait Until Summer 2016

Added: 18.09.2015 19:00 | 278 views | 0 comments

Unfortunately Persona fans will have to wait until next year to play Persona 5, as it was delayed until Summer 2016 recently. The delay announcement came with a brand new trailer, which makes the wait even more difficult because it's awesome. It showcases animated cutscenes, new bits of gameplay, and the revamped dungeons among other things. Let's take a look at the trailer again and dig deeper to find out what makes Persona 5 tick.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Comcept Should Just Call It Delay No. 9

Added: 18.09.2015 18:00 | 569 views | 0 comments

All right, this is getting ridiculous.

The demo for Comcept's Mighty No. 9, which was promised on September 15 as an apology for the game's second delay, has been... wait for it... delayed.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Register for Dark Souls III Stress Test in October

Added: 18.09.2015 17:00 | 302 views | 0 comments

FromSoftware will be resting the online multiplayer for Dark Souls III with a network stress test that will begins on October 16 and ends in October 18. Players will be given access to a short section of the game and be among the first to experience the PvP components of the game.

As far as what's been announced, the stress test will be limited to the PlayStation 4 console and will be restricted to North America and Japan, skipping out on Europe at least for now. The stress test will last between 8:00pm-11:00pm CEST.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

End Of An Era: 15 Great IPs That Will Die Along With Konami

Added: 18.09.2015 15:38 | 566 views | 0 comments

When Konami said that it's going to focus on mobile moving into the future, it meant it. The days of AAA titles from the company are over, and it's dealt a devastating blow to the industry as a result.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

A Destructive Force: 5 Ways Konami Has Hurt Gaming

Added: 18.09.2015 14:16 | 387 views | 0 comments

Every time Konami has popped into headlines during the past year it's never been a good thing. It all seems too bad to be true. Sadly, Konami is becoming something much different than its gamer-oriented roots, all in the interest of less financial risk.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Goodbye Metal Gear: Konami No Longer Making Big Budget Console Games Outside of PES

Added: 18.09.2015 10:00 | 361 views | 0 comments

Those holding out hope for more big budget Metal Gear Solid games following the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain are likely going to be disappointed, as a new report claims Konami is withdrawing from triple-A console development for all of its franchises except Pro Evolution Soccer.

Star Fox Zero Delay Yields a Bleak Holiday 2016 Lineup for Nintendo

Added: 18.09.2015 8:09 | 336 views | 0 comments


Star Fox Zero has been delayed to 2016.

Let me repeat that: Star Fox Zero, one of the few remaining major first-party titles for Wii U, will no longer be out this year. Is Nintendo in a bit of trouble this holiday season? Yeah, I'd say that's a fair assumption.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Dragon Quest Builders: Interesting Minecraft Alternative, But Too Violent for Children

Added: 17.09.2015 22:00 | 383 views | 0 comments

Violence isn't new in video games or any kind of entertainment. Common citizens are faced with a problem and they overcome it by doing violence. Plan doesn't work? Someone along the way wasn't violent enough.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

FOX Engine Director Exits Konami

Added: 17.09.2015 19:00 | 390 views | 0 comments

Like a swift swoop of the Fulton recovery system, FOX Engine overseer Julien Merceron has left Konami, according to Gameblog and independent sources at IGN.

As Konami's worldwide technology director, Merceron supervised the production of the FOX Engine, the in-house game engine that powers Metal Gear Solid V, P.T., and Pro Evolution Soccer.

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

Shenmue III Still Wants Your Money, Starts Slacker Backer Campaign

Added: 17.09.2015 18:00 | 331 views | 0 comments

Developer Ys Net still wants your money to develop Shenmue III after amassing $6.5 million in funding through its Kickstarter campaign which ended this July.

A slacker backer campaign has been posted today on its official website, which will be open until the end of year, and was created due to "a response to all of the requests [they] have received asking for another opportunity to participate in the making of Shenmue III because either of a lack of payment options on Kickstarter, or just not having a chance to pledge before the campaign ended."

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

9 Things I Noticed While Standing in Line for Monster Hunter Stories

Added: 17.09.2015 17:00 | 391 views | 0 comments

The cool thing about the Tokyo Game Show is that there are game demos to play. The less cool thing about the Tokyo Game Show is that there are thousands of other people who want to play those game demos. So you spend some time waiting in line, and I noticed some stuff while waiting to play the demo for Capcom's Monster Hunter Stories:

Source: www.gamerevolution.com

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