Details of cheekily named add-on leaked via podcast.
Saints Row 4's first DLC pack is titled "GATV", features a knifegun and will apparently go on sale at some point this week, alongside the Wild West DLC pack. That hissing, spitting sound? That's Rockstar co-founder Sam Houser's Rage-O-Meter entering the red zone.
"Usually the flagship titles come along a bit later," suggests Dan Greenawalt.
Why do racing titles make such good console launch titles? It's a question many have pondered, including OXM's resident car nut Jonty, who once suggested to me that both cars and videogames consoles are "aspirational" lifestyle products, and that combining the two is thus rather like plaiting gold with platinum. Or eating chocolate ice cream off a diamond. Or something.
Surf's up? Scopes down.
A prediction: Battlefield 4's water physics are going to be controversial. Not "Hot Coffee" controversial, but quite possibly "no-more-Quickscoping" controversial. On the new Paracel Storm map, the waves will eventually reach high enough to obscure targets, even when you're firing from an elevation. Don't believe me? Here's a video of one would-be sniper recounting a recent face-off with Father Neptune.
Amazon and indie retailers break street date, despite prior promises to wait.
Listen well, young folk of today. If there's one thing I've learned in my long years on this planet, it's that life is frequently unfair. Better you learn this now rather than later, and what could be a more potent example of life's innate unfairness than some lucky rapscallions getting their copy of Grand Theft Auto 5 early, whilst we're all sat here twiddling our thumbs like mugs.
"Experience the full range of emotions, from paranoia to despair.".
A new Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer? Oh go on then, Rockstar. The latest video takes our eyeballs on a tour of Blaine County, the rugged desert region directly above Los Santos itself, in which there be endangered species, drunk rednecks and dirt bikers.
What's the best way to kill a man? In slow motion and high resolution, obviously.
I look for a certain Something from the first news article of the working week - a certain je ne sais quoi, a touch of class, of passion. Failing that, footage of pop-eyed classical menfolk hewing each other's legs off works pretty good. Here are three more Ryse: Son of Rome execution videos for your delectation.
Learn how to roll out over land, sea and air.
Following an announcement via the EA blog over the weekend that the Battlefield 4 beta will commence on 1st October, another new blog over on the official Battlefield blog has blogged all about the vehicles in the game. Blog.
Six see Sin City in the squad-based shooter until the end of September.
Microsoft's Games with Gold promotion rolls on into the latter half of September, and up next for Gold subs is a free downloadable copy of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas.
Cool guys don't look at explosions, but they do look at these links.
This week has, of course, been largely dominated by one thing. And come Tuesday, the cumulation of three years worth of waiting, rumours, leaks and general excitement will come to a head as Grand Theft Auto V finally explodes out of Rockstar's polygon-mines and onto our consoles.
Call of Duty: Ghosts, Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14 included in offer.
If you're planning to get hold of some of the heavy hitters later this year you might be interested to hear about GAME's latest promotion, where they're offering upgrades on three of arguably the most popular games straddling the generational gap.
In-game 1970's Ferrari free to all who sign up for RaceNet service.
Codemasters have sent along a new trailer for F1 2013, focusing on the classic content to appear in the latest instalment of their Formula 1 racing sim when it revs up this October.
In pursuit of happiness, or at least a faster car.
EA and Ghost Games have released an interview from Gamescom last month via the EA News website that features producer Leanne Loombe talking about the various game mechanics in the latest Need for Speed: Rivals, coming later this year.
Kinect Performance Capture, creating interiors and community sharing features detailed.
Team Dakota have been showing off more footage of the incredibly exciting Project Spark game creation suite this weekend, with a whole hour of footage showing off many of the features of the free-to-play title coming to Xbox One and Xbox 360.
No membership required to play free-to-play XBLA title until 20th September.
The range of free-to-play titles is ever increase on Xbox 360, with plenty of games all jumping at the bit for your attention and time, and for Gold subscribers can provide a wealth of entertainment for the cash-strapped gamer.
Play Conquest on the Siege of Shanghai map from October 1st.
Time to ready up, ladies and gents. EA and DICE have narrowed down the specific date and the content of the upcoming Battlefield 4 beta landing on Xbox Live in a couple of weeks.
"That's the opposite of any pattern you see with a AAA video game".
It's no secret that Borderlands 2 is still very popular despite being an entire year old. In video game years, that's usually old enough to be drawing a pension and settling down at the Old Games Home. However, Gearbox's CEO has this week claimed that the title bucks that trend to the point where more people are playing now than ever before.
Also, you won't need to be online to race against computer cars.
Forza 5's biggest strength - well, aside from some quite unnecessarily magnificent visuals - could be its online Drivatars system, which creates an AI persona based on your playstyle and shares it with other users. The game's "computer-controlled" cars are all, in fact, modelled on the behaviour of other human beings, and evolve over time as those human beings improve.
Lionhead boss and game director talk mixing Fable lore with online features.
Fable Legends is designed to keep fans interested for the best part of a decade, Lionhead's new studio head John Needham has revealed - the game will be a full-blown online service, founded on "classic Fable gameplay and classic Fable lore".
Is it Prey 2, or is a Dishonored sequel in the works?.
A Dishonored Game of the Year Edition, complete with rather spiffing cover art, was announced yesterday for release on 11th October. And now that that's out of the way, Arkane is ready to turn its attention to pastures new.