This week on The Lobby we talk to Tim Schafer about Broken Age 2 and Rob and Chris tell us about their time with COD: Black Ops 3. Plus, we have a super secret special announcement. Tune in live at 2PM Pacific to find out more!
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Mighty No. 9 casts players as Beck, a hero character that bears something of a resemblance to Mega Man. The game has 12 stages, a New Game Plus mode that unlocks extra difficulty levels, and other modes like Boss Rush and two-player online challenges and races. Mighty No. 9 even lets you switch between 8-bit music and its standard soundtrack with the press of a button.
. Reviewer Kevin VanOrd praised its ridiculous story and atmosphere, while lamenting its stereotypical characters and several slow stretches that bogged down the pace.
Microsoft is breaking from the mold of past E3 showings and will try something different this year at the marquee industry event to be held this June in Los Angeles. We already knew that Microsoft was planning to , and before Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, and Sony later in the day.
What are you hoping to see from Microsoft at E3 this summer? Let us know in the comments below!