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How to Escape the Hellevator - walkthrough and puzzle solution (Chapters 1 and 2)

Added: 23.09.2014 11:03 | 1 views | 0 comments

How to Escape the Hellevator - walkthrough and puzzle solution (Chapters 1 and 2) Games like The Room and Forever Lost are so static. Who wants to solve puzzles on solid ground when you could be doing it in a lift shaft that's tumbling down a lift shaft towards your inevitable demise? That's the barmy logic behind iOS and Android head-scratcher Escape the Hellevator. You've got to solve puzzles, flip switches, and fiddle with inventory items - all while your stomach is in...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Treasure Fetch - Adventure Time

Added: 23.09.2014 8:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Treasure Fetch - Adventure Time Ever the perpetual trouble-finders, Finn and Jake have even managed to make a stroll through Ooo's countryside somewhat dangerous. Well, dangerous for Jake's face, anyway. Treasure Fetch - Adventure Time is like someone sprinkled a healthy dose of the Cartoon Network mega-hit all over that graphing calculator classic, Snake. There's more to it than just that, of course, but it's still decide...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Escape the Hellevator sees you desperately trying to get out of a tumbling lift on iOS and Android

Added: 23.09.2014 7:32 | 1 views | 0 comments

Escape the Hellevator sees you desperately trying to get out of a tumbling lift on iOS and Android Escape the Hellevator might have a pun-tastic name, but it deals with one of the most serious matters affecting young people today - being trapped in a plummeting lift that represent the sins you've committed in your life. The game is essentially a room escape title, but the room you're trying to escape happens to be speeding towards the ground at a rate of knots. Obviously you're not just i...

Tags: Escape
Source: feedproxy.google.com

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team, EA's ball-kicking card-collector, is out right now on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone

Added: 23.09.2014 5:50 | 1 views | 0 comments

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team, EA's ball-kicking card-collector, is out right now on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone FIFA 15 Ultimate Team is now nestling in the App Store, the Google Play Store, and the Windows Phone Store like a glorious Nikica Jelavic volley in the back of Newcastle's net. We went hands-on with the soft launch version of the game last week, and you can check out our impressions by clicking that link. If you don't have time to read it, we were pretty impressed. The kicking was smooth...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Fruit Ninja is receiving a major, renovating update in early October

Added: 22.09.2014 19:19 | 2 views | 0 comments

Fruit Ninja is receiving a major, renovating update in early October Four years after a hugely successful launch, with over 500 million downloads since 2010, the bubbly slice 'em up Fruit Ninja is getting a massive update. Not just that - the whole game has been "rebuilt from scratch." Announced today by developer Halfbrick, the update will include a new, streamlined menu system and some cool gameplay effects for the game's various weapons and locations. T...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Project Scissors is an upcoming spiritual sequel to Clock Tower, created by Japanese horror veterans

Added: 22.09.2014 18:11 | 1 views | 0 comments

Project Scissors is an upcoming spiritual sequel to Clock Tower, created by Japanese horror veterans What do you get when you combine the original Clock Tower developer, Hifumi Kouno, with the twisted imagination of Team Silent veteran Masahiro Ito and the filmmaking expertise of Takashi Shimizu, director of Ju-On (The Grudge)? You get Project Scissors, a spiritual sequel to the classic survival horror Clock Tower, headed to the PlayStation Vita, iOS, and Android devices. There's no rel...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Top 10 best Android board games on Google Play

Added: 22.09.2014 12:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Top 10 best Android board games on Google Play Among tabletop gamers, the arrival of Apple's iPad was greeted with a fervour equal to the second coming. It's not hard to see why: a touchscreen is a magnificent interface to replicate a physical board game. And this was a blooming big one. Plus it offered the possibility of smoothly facilitated online play. So whenever you felt the need to play, you could just play, rather than having to a...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Chronos Ring is tri-Ace and Konami's upcoming time-manipulating RPG for iOS and Android

Added: 22.09.2014 11:57 | 1 views | 0 comments

Chronos Ring is tri-Ace and Konami's upcoming time-manipulating RPG for iOS and Android Konami and tri-Ace have partnered up to create Chronos Ring. It's a new RPG for iOS and Android expected to release in Japan this autumn. We don't know much about it a this point other than that it will feature vertical 3D battles.  NeoGAF user going by the name "Baust" has also translated a line from the game's website. "Rebel against your fate as you manipulate time on the battlefield," it...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Downwell is about descending a deadly well with guns as shoes, coming soon

Added: 22.09.2014 11:05 | 1 views | 0 comments

Downwell is about descending a deadly well with guns as shoes, coming soon Downwell is a game built entirely around one of the best stylised pieces of clothing in Bayonetta. It's the gun shoes, of course. This 2D vertical platformer from Japanese developer Ojiro Fumoto (aka "moppin") tasks you with travelling down a well. There are frogs, cute monsters, and other weird pixel creatures to shoot and avoid. Not only is Downwell highly fashionably (guns as shoes, man),...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The Maze Runner is a nightmarish puzzle about escaping monsters, out now

Added: 22.09.2014 10:34 | 2 views | 0 comments

The Maze Runner is a nightmarish puzzle about escaping monsters, out now Ever had a dream that you were being chased by monsters? If you have, you may find that The Maze Runner brings you out in a cold sweat. Oh, by the way, don't confuse this The Maze Runner with the movie and spin-off game The Maze Runner (on iOS [download] and Android [download]). This is something entirely separate. This one is a 2D puzzle game escaping monsters in a grid-based maze. You have...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Gory puzzler Hellraid: The Escape will imprison Android players on October 2nd

Added: 22.09.2014 9:58 | 3 views | 0 comments

Gory puzzler Hellraid: The Escape will imprison Android players on October 2nd Techland tells us that Shortbreak Studio's dank, Bronze Award-winning puzzler Hellraid: The Escape is coming to Android on October 2nd.  What we enjoyed about Hellraid upon review of the iOS version was its horrific environments. Disgusting substances ooze from the walls while dirty, bloodied spikes fall on you from ceilings. It's horrible to be inside this magical prison and that's exac...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Out There, the Gold Award-winning space exploration sim, is on sale on iOS and Android

Added: 22.09.2014 8:33 | 1 views | 0 comments

Out There, the Gold Award-winning space exploration sim, is on sale on iOS and Android Gold Award-winning space exploration simulator Out There is on sale on the App Store and the Google Play Store at the moment, meaning you can pick up the sombre deep space adventure for half price. The game sees you playing a stranded astronaut. You fly from planet to planet, sucking up oxygen and minerals to try and stay alive. You'll encounter new species, steal ships from long dead civil...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Unmechanical, the Bronze Award-winning Unreal-powered physics puzzler, is out right now on Android

Added: 22.09.2014 7:26 | 1 views | 0 comments

Unmechanical, the Bronze Award-winning Unreal-powered physics puzzler, is out right now on Android Bronze Award-winning gorgeous physics puzzler Unmechanical is now available on Android. So if you've ever fancied pushing a robot around a cave, now's your chance. The game sees you bobbing around a subterranean lair, solving puzzles with your extendable claw. You need to lift boxes, pull switches, and generally fiddle around with the lovely looking environment. When we reviewed the iOS ...

Tags: When
Source: feedproxy.google.com

If you've ever wanted to create your own gamebooks, inklewriter could be the website for you

Added: 22.09.2014 6:44 | 2 views | 0 comments

If you've ever wanted to create your own gamebooks, inklewriter could be the website for you Have you ever wanted to create your own interactive fiction? Well now you can with inklewriter. It's a surprisingly powerful, free to use piece of web-based software from the dev behind 80 Days and Down Among the Dead Men. The program, which you can have a look at here, lets you string together pieces of story to create a branching narrative. When you're done you can share what you've create...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

PG's top moments of the week - iOS 8 blowout, Minecraft's future...

Added: 20.09.2014 19:00 | 12 views | 0 comments

PG's top moments of the week - iOS 8 blowout, Minecraft's future... Every week, Pocket Gamer provides a weekly digest of the most important and popular stories from these digital pages. This week, we went deep on Apple's new iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch operating system: iOS 8. We told you how to install widgets, share your location with friends, add new share sheets, install custom keyboards, create a time-lapse video, and boost your battery life. We als...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Microsoft buys Minecraft, Apple unleashes iOS 8, and we tackle GamerGate

Added: 20.09.2014 6:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Microsoft buys Minecraft, Apple unleashes iOS 8, and we tackle GamerGate GamerGate, iOS 8 install sizes, and Notch leaving Mojang: this week's Week That Was is like a pick 'n' mix shop for gaming controversies. So, just what was all the fuss about? Following Microsoft's purchase of Mojang and Minecraft, indie idol Notch decided to leave the firm to protect his sanity, and step out of the spotlight. It was a move that led some to believe the Minecraft creator had ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

TGS2014: Day 2 Round-up

Added: 20.09.2014 0:30 | 4 views | 0 comments

TGS2014: Day 2 Round-up Friday was the second press day on the show floor, the last day of relative calmness before the storm of over 100,000 weekend punters per day, each hoping to play their favourite upcoming titles. As you may have seen, we've put up our hands-on video and article for the New 3DS XL as Capcom are running their first Monster Hunter 4G demo on the unit. Speaking of Monster Hunter, the...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Reverse platformer Spoiler Alert is available now on Kindle Fire and Fire TV

Added: 19.09.2014 20:47 | 1 views | 0 comments

Reverse platformer Spoiler Alert is available now on Kindle Fire and Fire TV After a Steam release back in June, the reverse platformer Spoiler Alert is now available on Kindle Fire devices, Fire TV, and "most Android devices." Grab it on its Amazon store page for £1.49 / $1.99. Spoiler: it'll be on Google Play and iOS "very soon." As hinted by its name, Spoiler Alert is a game played backwards: un-jump on your foes, un-dodge enemy fire, un-avoid obstacles, and so on...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: NFL Kicker 15

Added: 19.09.2014 14:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

NFL Kicker 15 NFL Kicker 15 is one of those sports games that isn't really a sports game. It's got the theme, for sure, but it's much more akin to a casual physics flicker than anything like Madden. That's not a bad thing. While it lacks the depth of a full-blown American football game, it manages to make the core mechanic of kicking accuracy quite fun. What is a problem is that it feels like a free to pl...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Inferno 2 from Radiangames will bring more hyperactive neon shooting to iOS in October

Added: 19.09.2014 12:22 | 1 views | 0 comments

Inferno 2 from Radiangames will bring more hyperactive neon shooting to iOS in October Radiangames reckons that Inferno 2 - the sequel to the Bronze Award-winning Inferno+ - will arrive for iOS on October 2nd. That's a prediction and a hope rather than a confirmed date, mind. As with Inferno+, this sequel is a neon-heavy twin-stick shooter that takes place in maze-like levels. It has 80 levels that'll have you dodging bullets and bouncing them around corners. Luke Schneider...

Tags: Lucy
Source: feedproxy.google.com

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