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Win a Google Nexus 7 and a sandstone statue of Evolution: Battle for Utopia's Fido!

Added: 30.07.2014 14:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Win a Google Nexus 7 and a sandstone statue of Evolution: Battle for Utopia's Fido! To celebrate the recent release of the Bronze Award-winning free-to-play sci-fi RPG Evolution: Battle for Utopia on Android, we've teamed up with developers My.com to give away some tasty treats. In our review we called Evolution: Battle for Utopia a game with "excellent visuals and plenty to do... [a] demanding game of strategy, management." The grand prize is a Gold Award-winning 16GB Goog...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bizarre fungal fumbler Mushroom 11 will hopefully be coming to iOS, Android, and handheld

Added: 30.07.2014 13:15 | 1 views | 0 comments

Bizarre fungal fumbler Mushroom 11 will hopefully be coming to iOS, Android, and handheld Mushroom 11 is one of the weirdest-looking physics-based games I've had my eye on recently.  I've known it was coming to PC for ages. But today I spoke to Itay Keren of Untame Games, who said that the aim is to bring Mushroom 11 to iOS, Android, and handheld consoles, too. "We are discussing the details with platform owners, so the schedule and details are not in place yet. Mobile phones, an...

Tags: Its
Source: feedproxy.google.com

The Room dev criticises the metrics-driven moneymakers that have 'almost ruined' mobile gaming

Added: 30.07.2014 12:34 | 1 views | 0 comments

The Room dev criticises the metrics-driven moneymakers that have 'almost ruined' mobile gaming Barry Meade of Fireproof Games isn't happy with the state of mobile gaming.  Patrick Kleppek of Giant Bomb spoke to Meade about free to play business models and mobile games during a very honest conversation. The interview came off the back of Fireproof releasing fantastic iOS puzzler The Room onto PC earlier this week. Meade says that PC is his preferred platform and that Fireproof made ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Top 10 best Android games of July 2014

Added: 30.07.2014 11:59 | 5 views | 0 comments

Top 10 best Android games of July 2014 The days didn't appear to get any cooler in July. And nor did the Android game release schedule. We've had some more top efforts, both fresh releases and iOS conversions, to help keep our minds off the oppressive heat. So if you haven't taken a look at the Google Play Store recently, work up a sweat with a Platinum Award-winning action-RPG, one of the finest mobile Metroidvania platformers y...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Elegant puzzler Sokobond will teach us the beauty of chemistry when it bonds with iOS and Android

Added: 30.07.2014 11:38 | 1 views | 0 comments

Elegant puzzler Sokobond will teach us the beauty of chemistry when it bonds with iOS and Android Sokobond needed to exist, like, 10 years ago. I never got on with chemistry at school, you see. The frothing test tubes and contained explosions were fun, sure. Once, my teacher nearly killed my classmates and I after accidentally releasing an ugly yellow gas into the room. Chemistry class certainly had its moments. But, as far as learning the actual subject goes, well, I struggled to care e...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Traps n' Gemstones - Complete secret symbol guide for all 55 golden signs (Part 2)

Added: 30.07.2014 10:43 | 3 views | 0 comments

Traps n' Gemstones - Complete secret symbol guide for all 55 golden signs (Part 2) This article covers the last 30 symbols. For the first 25, click here. Secret signs are a completely optional item to collect in finishing Traps n' Gemstones. But you can't get 100 percent completion without finding all 55. In this guide, we'll tell you how to find them all. Sadly, there's no record of which ones you have and haven't got, so you'll have to track down each one and see if you ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Traps n' Gemstones - complete secret chamber guide for all 15 hidden rooms

Added: 30.07.2014 10:39 | 2 views | 0 comments

Traps n' Gemstones - complete secret chamber guide for all 15 hidden rooms Secret Chambers are some of the hardest things to find in Traps n' Gemstones. They often involve finding hidden tunnels, which only open up when you hug up against the wall. Or jump into some spikes. Or nose around in the shadows. But we found them. With some hard work and a little help from PG reader Rashad we found all 15 chambers. Here's where to find them...   Secret Chamber 1 - ...

Tags: With, Trade, Secret
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Monument Valley is just £1.25 / $2.49 in its first ever Android sale

Added: 30.07.2014 10:32 | 2 views | 0 comments

Monument Valley is just £1.25 / $2.49 in its first ever Android sale Monument Valley is easily worth paying full price for and you should have played it already. However, let's say you haven't yet wandered through its impossible structures. Well, then, you'd be able to pick the game up at a bargain price on Android right now. Yep, Monument Valley is just £1.25 / $2.49 on Google Play at the moment. That's down from the usual price of £2.49 / $3.99. That...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Calling all devs - The Big Indie Pitch is coming to GDC Europe

Added: 30.07.2014 10:24 | 2 views | 0 comments

Calling all devs - The Big Indie Pitch is coming to GDC Europe Whether you're already heading over to Cologne for GDC Europe or planning to be a tad early for gamescom, Pocket Gamer's Big Indie Pitch is sandwiched perfectly between the two. Our Big Indie Pitches are the perfect opportunity to show off your game off, get valuable feedback, potentially score coverage on Pocket Gamer, and perhaps even win an award. A treasure from the past A shining exa...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Curse of Naxxramas's Plague Quarter update has arrived for Hearthstone

Added: 30.07.2014 10:06 | 3 views | 0 comments

Curse of Naxxramas's Plague Quarter update has arrived for Hearthstone The Plague Quarter is now open for miasmic business for all of you Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas players. This is the second update to the Naxxramas expansion with it being a week since The Arachnid Quarter was released. You can purchase The Plague Quarter for £4.99 / $6.99, or you can pay 700 in-game gold for it. The exception to this appears if you've purchased one of the bundle packa...

Tags: Curse, Plague
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Blood Bowl will be hitting a sanguine touchdown tomorrow on iPad and Android tablets

Added: 30.07.2014 9:40 | 1 views | 0 comments

Blood Bowl will be hitting a sanguine touchdown tomorrow on iPad and Android tablets Cyanide Studio has tackled us like an orcish brute to tell us that its fantasy sports strategy game Blood Bowl will be available on iPad and Android tablets tomorrow. Originally we were told that early July was the planned released date. Obviously, that never happened. Still, Blood Bowl will be coming out in July, be it on the last day of the month. We've also been informed that Blood Bow...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The Rhythm of Fighters has 2 new DLC packs featuring tracks from King of Fighters '97 and Metal Slug Defence

Added: 30.07.2014 6:58 | 5 views | 0 comments

The Rhythm of Fighters has 2 new DLC packs featuring tracks from King of Fighters '97 and Metal Slug Defence SNK Playmore's Bronze Award-winning mash up of a brawler and a dancing game, The Rhythm of Fighters, has had two new DLC packs added to it. The first is music from The King of Fighters '97, the second features tracks from Metal Slug Defence. Both packs offer four tracks, and they'll set you back £1.99 / $2.99 each. The Android version of the game has already been updated with the two dow...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

OpenMW is an open source port of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind that's heading to Android

Added: 30.07.2014 6:37 | 2 views | 0 comments

OpenMW is an open source port of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind that's heading to Android Some dedicated fans are currently beavering away creating an Android port of PC classic The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. Right now it's in the very early stages, and apparently runs at an impressive eight frames per second. When it actually runs. The project is only two months old though, and while it's far from stable, the results so far are looking reasonably impressive. The game will b...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Ultimate War Game is the last title in Rubicon's ...War Game series, and that's about all we know

Added: 30.07.2014 6:03 | 1 views | 0 comments

Ultimate War Game is the last title in Rubicon's ...War Game series, and that's about all we know Rubicon has announced that it's next project will be Ultimate War Game. It's the last game in the …War Game franchise, and looks set to be a far more expansive strategy battler than what's come before. We don't know much about the game yet, but we do know it's going to feature base-building, asynchronous 1v1 and 2v2 multiplayer, a random map generator and a map editor, a longer campaign, an...

Tags: Gain, Ultimate
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Grab a free Doctor Who: Legacy character unlock code for Ace before the expansion is out

Added: 29.07.2014 12:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Grab a free Doctor Who: Legacy character unlock code for Ace before the expansion is out Greetings Whovians! As you may have heard, the free-to-play puzzler Doctor Who: Legacy was recently crowned Best Brain and Puzzle Game in the Best App Ever for Android awards. To celebrate this achievement, we've teamed up with Tiny Rebel Games to give away one of the new characters from the upcoming Hunt For Greyhound One expansion ahead of time. Who? Why, it's fan-favourite and ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Foursaken Media unveils iOS and Android wizard 'em up Phantom Rift

Added: 29.07.2014 11:11 | 6 views | 0 comments

Foursaken Media unveils iOS and Android wizard 'em up Phantom Rift The next game from Bug Heroes and Block Fortress developer Foursaken Media is a dungeon-crawling wizard sim called Phantom Rift. Well, perhaps dungeon isn't the right word. How many dungeons have you been in where the grid tiles are floating in a nebulous void, and the pathways rise up beneath your feet? Not many, I bet. Otherwise, Phantom Rift looks like your typical loot 'em up game, w...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

You could win a copy of the original Chainsaw Warrior boardgame if you're any good at the digital adaptation

Added: 29.07.2014 8:31 | 2 views | 0 comments

You could win a copy of the original Chainsaw Warrior boardgame if you're any good at the digital adaptation You might remember that we told you yesterday Chainsaw Warrior, Auroch Digital's adaptation of the classic Games Workshop boardgame, was cheap on the App Store. Well, it turns out Auroch is running a competition as well. It's asking you to record your best play through of the super-tough solo battle against the undead of New York. The best one will win a physical copy of the boardgame, a...

Tags: Games, Warrior
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Plants vs Zombies 2 is set to be updated on iOS and Android with the second chunk of the Dark Ages content

Added: 29.07.2014 7:50 | 2 views | 0 comments

Plants vs Zombies 2 is set to be updated on iOS and Android with the second chunk of the Dark Ages content The second part of Plants vs Zombies 2's Dark Ages themed update should be landing on the App Store and the Google Play Store in the not-too-distant future. The new chunk of content includes two new plants, a couple of new zombies - the Sorcerer and the King, ten new levels, and a special enemy called the Little Dragon. The update should be out tomorrow for iOS. It'll be free to download...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Develop 2014: Hands-on with tile-swapping action RPG puzzler SwapQuest

Added: 29.07.2014 6:30 | 3 views | 0 comments

Develop 2014: Hands-on with tile-swapping action RPG puzzler SwapQuest A giant Cerberus is smashing buildings and vomiting fire. This is bad. This is not the sort of thing I'm used to. It's fun, mind, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. SwapQuest isn't about sharing things. It's about moving tiles around a 16bit level, snagging loot and hitting ghosts in their floaty stupid faces. Did I mention the ghost? It was chasing me for a while, hurling thunderb...

Tags: Quest
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bik, a retro-style adventure game, coming to Google Play and App Store on August 14th

Added: 28.07.2014 20:50 | 1 views | 0 comments

Bik, a retro-style adventure game, coming to Google Play and App Store on August 14th After launching on PC, Mac, Linux, and Android two weeks ago, the old-school style adventure game Bik has announced an upcoming App Store and Google Play release, slated for August 14th. Bik is an adventure done in the same vein as King's Quest, Monkey Island, and other classic point-and-clicks: with tons of puzzles, quirky characters, and humor to drive the story. The game drops you in the ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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