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The Banner Saga dev says Apple is frustrated that mobile gamers 'don't want to pay anything' for games

Added: 25.07.2014 11:40 | 1 views | 0 comments

The Banner Saga dev says Apple is frustrated that mobile gamers 'don't want to pay anything' for games We're excited that Stoic Studio is bringing its turn-based survival strategy game The Banner Saga to tablets this summer. We're sure that most of you are, too. But how much would you be willing to pay for the game? This is a matter that John Watson of Stoic brought up in an interview with Polygon recently. The small amount of money that mobile gamers will pay for games is something that's...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The King of Fighters '98 is SNK Playmore's mashing together of three years of brawlers, and it's out now on iOS and Android

Added: 25.07.2014 8:06 | 2 views | 0 comments

The King of Fighters '98 is SNK Playmore's mashing together of three years of brawlers, and it's out now on iOS and Android The King of Fighters '98 is now available on iOS and Android, so if kicking and punching are your cup of tea, you could well be in for a bit of a treat. The game is essentially a compilation of KOF '94 – '97, bringing together a bunch of characters from the series, including some who were dead by '98, and pitting them against each other in a plot-less fight to the death. There are four a...

Tags: There, Kids
Source: feedproxy.google.com

The best Android games this week - Thomas Was Alone, Modern Combat 5, and Traps n' Gemstones

Added: 25.07.2014 7:44 | 7 views | 0 comments

The best Android games this week - Thomas Was Alone, Modern Combat 5, and Traps n' Gemstones Every Friday, Pocket Gamer offers hands-on impressions of the week's three best new Android games. Traps n' Gemstones By Donut Games - buy on Android (£2.99 / $4.99) Traps n' Gemstones is definitely the surprise hit of the week. This cute and charming little Metroidvania, from the usually unremarkable Donut Games, is a brilliant slice of retro adventure fun for your Android. In typic...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a slick, brawling tie-in that's out right now for iOS and Android

Added: 25.07.2014 6:20 | 0 views | 0 comments

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a slick, brawling tie-in that's out right now for iOS and Android Raphael was always my turtle. I had an action figure, or toy as we called them in those days, and spent hours wiggling his little green arms pretending I was doing hideous ninja-based violence to street hoodlums. Now I can finally throw that battered plastic lump away, because Nickelodeon has released a brawler to tie-in with the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. It's called Teena...

Tags: Ninja
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Kritika: Chaos Unleashed

Added: 25.07.2014 5:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Kritika: Chaos Unleashed "You have unlocked: Kolten's Mighty Pants!" Kritika: Chaos Unleashed's narrator proudly informs me. "Excellent", I reply, immediately heading to the inventory section. The mountain city of Ronte won't know what hit it. My omnipotent underwear will smite the goblins in a fiery wave of retribution. "Cower before the might of my bloodthirsty knickers," I whoop happily, blasting though a wave of...

Tags: Chart
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Batman: Arkham Origins mobile brawler is now available on Android

Added: 25.07.2014 4:28 | 6 views | 0 comments

Batman: Arkham Origins mobile brawler is now available on Android Gritty beat 'em up and former iOS exclusive Batman: Arkham Origins has swooped onto the Google Play Store. Despite sharing its name with a PC and console release, Batman: Arkham Origins on mobile is a much more condensed experience, albeit not without a shortage of punches. Our iOS review of the game from last October called it an "entertaining slugger," even aside complaints of it placing o...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Square Enix summer sale on Android offers classic Final Fantasy games for cheap

Added: 24.07.2014 12:31 | 0 views | 0 comments

Square Enix summer sale on Android offers classic Final Fantasy games for cheap Square Enix is celebrating the summer with a sale on Android that sees many of the games in the Final Fantasy series going for cheap. The sale starts today (July 24th) and will run for the next three weeks. Each week, one or two Final Fantasy games go on sale, with them being swapped out for another one or two the following week. In other words, the sales of each game last a week at a time. ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

[Update] Traps n' Gemstones is a cute Metroidvania for iOS and Android, from Donut Games

Added: 24.07.2014 12:23 | 0 views | 0 comments

[Update] Traps n' Gemstones is a cute Metroidvania for iOS and Android, from Donut Games Updated on July 24th, at 16:18: We completely missed the fact that the charming Traps n' Gemstones is also available on Android for £1.99 / $2.99 and the Windows Store for £2.99 / $4.99. If there's one genre that the App Store needs more of, it's Metroidvania games. These give you huge labyrinthine worlds to explore at your leisure, with backtracking, discovery, and secret areas. Luckil...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Google highlights 53 Android games that don't need an internet connection

Added: 24.07.2014 12:16 | 9 views | 0 comments

Google highlights 53 Android games that don't need an internet connection If there's one thing Pocket Gamer readers hate (judging by our comments section, that is) it's singleplayer games that force you to have an internet connection. Now we realise why developers do it. It's to halt piracy, cheating, and in-app purchase fraud. But we also understand your pain. If you can't get a stable connection, or only have wi-fi, or don't want to waste your data budget on a g...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Episode 1 of Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery stamps its mark onto Android

Added: 24.07.2014 12:01 | 0 views | 0 comments

Episode 1 of Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery stamps its mark onto Android You Android players can stop stamping your feet like angry yetis now. Yep, the Bronze Award-winning Jacob Jones: Episode 1 is now available on your platform of choice. This one is for fans (or would-be fans) of the adventure-puzzle series Professor Layton. Except the Victorian setting has been traded for an adorable summer camp. Bigfoot also gets involved. You play as young recluse Jacob Jon...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

You can now get the conclusion to Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse on Android

Added: 24.07.2014 11:52 | 1 views | 0 comments

You can now get the conclusion to Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse on Android The second half of globe-trotting point and click revival Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse is now available to download on Android. After popping back and forth over the Channel for some lacklustre London/Parisian murder mystery nonsense, part two should see George and Nico really get into the swing of things with more mystery, exotic locations, and action. We'll explore Spanish Cataloni...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Alone no more: Thomas Was Alone is joined by iPhone and Android versions

Added: 24.07.2014 9:21 | 1 views | 0 comments

Alone no more: Thomas Was Alone is joined by iPhone and Android versions After landing on iPad earlier this year, Mike Bithell's boxy puzzle platformer Thomas Was Alone is now also available on both iPhone and Android. The game stars Thomas - a red rectangular chunk of artificial intelligence who must learn to work with a cast of different boxes (of all shapes and colours) to solve puzzles and finish levels. The whole thing is narrated by Danny Wallace - aka the ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

[Update] Out now: Modern Combat 5: Blackout is Gameloft's latest man-shooting military FPS for iPhone and iPad

Added: 24.07.2014 8:06 | 0 views | 0 comments

[Update] Out now: Modern Combat 5: Blackout is Gameloft's latest man-shooting military FPS for iPhone and iPad Updated on July 24th, at 12:01: Modern Combat 5: Blackout is all the way out now, so you can get your hands on the grunty shooty action on your device of choice. You can even grab it on Windows Phone if you want. Imagine that. If you'd like to find out what we thought about the game, all you have to do is click right here to read our full review. Want some tips to get you started? We've g...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The Modern Combat 5: Blackout field guide - tips, hints, and cheats

Added: 24.07.2014 8:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

The Modern Combat 5: Blackout field guide - tips, hints, and cheats Gameloft's latest gung-ho shooter, Modern Combat 5: Blackout has just breached the front doors of the App Store and Google Play, and is now shooting everyone in slow motion. Download this game and, once again, you'll find yourself hopping from country to country, murdering foreign jerks in the face. And then going online to murder more people in the face, but this time they're humans. To hel...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Appointment with F.E.A.R. is Tin Man Games's next Fighting Fantasy adaptation for iOS and Android

Added: 24.07.2014 5:48 | 0 views | 0 comments

Appointment with F.E.A.R. is Tin Man Games's next Fighting Fantasy adaptation for iOS and Android Tin Man Games has released some formation, and some more screenshots, about its upcoming gamebook adaptation Appointment with F.E.A.R. The game, which recently came second in Pocket Gamer's Big Indie Pitch event in Brighton, is a pretty big departure from the other entries in the series, taking a far more comic-book approach than its predecessors. It's still based on a Fighting Fantas...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Modern Combat 5: Blackout

Added: 24.07.2014 5:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Modern Combat 5: Blackout What do you want from a Modern Combat sequel? If it's more of the same, albeit shinier, gorier, and a little less coherent, then Modern Combat 5: Blackout won't disappoint. There's no real deviation from the template here. Blackout bubbles over with action set-pieces, gruff military jargon, and more identikit goons to riddle with bullets. The levels are sliced a little thinner, there's a few...

Tags: When, Combat
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Finger-painting puzzler Watercolors splashes onto Google Play Store

Added: 23.07.2014 18:34 | 0 views | 0 comments

Finger-painting puzzler Watercolors splashes onto Google Play Store Red, blue, and yellow opens up a world of color, and that's exactly what the line-drawing, dot-connecting, finger-painting puzzler Watercolors is about. A former iOS exclusive, Watercolors has now found its way onto the Google Play Store for Android users to try their hand at. Our review from earlier this month called Watercolors an "interesting enough" game that "bubbles along nicely." N...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Word puzzler Bonza adds tons of new levels, goes free on iOS for a limited time

Added: 23.07.2014 17:52 | 0 views | 0 comments

Word puzzler Bonza adds tons of new levels, goes free on iOS for a limited time The slick word puzzler Bonza received an update today, adding tons of new puzzle options and ways to enjoy the game's crossword-like challenges. iOS users can also pick up the game for free on the App Store for a limited time only. If you haven't checked it out yet, now's the time to give it a shot. Our article from the game earlier this year called it a "compelling" and "satisfying puzzler,...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

[Update] Out at midnight: Modern Combat 5: Blackout is Gameloft's latest man-shooting military FPS for iPhone and iPad

Added: 23.07.2014 14:43 | 0 views | 0 comments

[Update] Out at midnight: Modern Combat 5: Blackout is Gameloft's latest man-shooting military FPS for iPhone and iPad Updated on July 23rd, at 18:40: It looks like Android fans are getting a head start on the action, as Modern Combat 5 just landed on Google Play. It's gonna cost you £4.99 / $6.99, and works on a bunch of devices. But it doesn't look like it supports controllers (it doesn't on iOS - though let us know if it's different on 'droid), and it needs an internet connection to play. Gameloft's...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Minecraft: Pocket Edition - 10 must-try seeds for MCPE version 0.9.X

Added: 23.07.2014 12:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Minecraft: Pocket Edition - 10 must-try seeds for MCPE version 0.9.X Every Minecraft fan knows about seeds. These weird little codes force the level generator to spit out a specific type of world, instead of a completely random layout of chunks, biomes, and terrains. Sadly, all the seeds that gamers shared with Minecraft: Pocket Edition version 0.8 are incompatible with 0.9's infinite worlds. So we need a whole new set of codes to play with. Here are ten bril...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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