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DaWindci Deluxe adds hurricane and lightning to your swipes, more relaxing puzzles to solve

Added: 17.07.2014 13:05 | 0 views | 0 comments

DaWindci Deluxe adds hurricane and lightning to your swipes, more relaxing puzzles to solve Mimimi Productions has released daWindci Deluxe on iOS today. It will be coming to Android and Windows Phone tomorrow. Deluxe improves upon the Bronze Award-winning DaWindci with new mechanics, puzzles, and more lively art style and particle effects. The original DaWindci had you swiping to create wind in order to push a hot air balloon around, collecting stars, and navigating small levels. ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bronze Award-winning Bug Heroes 2 arrives on Android so you can squash some warfaring insects

Added: 17.07.2014 12:23 | 0 views | 0 comments

Bronze Award-winning Bug Heroes 2 arrives on Android so you can squash some warfaring insects Foursaken Media has released its Bronze Award-winning insect fighting co-op game Bug Heroes 2 onto Android. If you've no idea what the game is, think of it as a MOBA but with bugs and the goal of claiming food dropped on the ground. In other words, it's a squad-based tactical action game with multiplayer. This is no A Bug's Life, either. The ladybirds wield rapiers, mites smash faces wit...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Minecraft - Pocket Edition: The complete crafting, smelting, and stonecutting guide for iOS and Android

Added: 17.07.2014 12:19 | 0 views | 0 comments

Minecraft - Pocket Edition: The complete crafting, smelting, and stonecutting guide for iOS and Android Updated on July 17th, at 12:28: After realising that our Minecraft guide was about 50 years out of date, we've completely overhauled the whole thing to make it representative of Pocket Edition circa version 0.9.3. So, we're re-written the tutorials, added in the stonecutter, and split the crafting and smelting recipes into more sensible categories (like food, items, and decorations). We've a...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The Best App Ever Awards for Android to be revealed tomorrow

Added: 17.07.2014 12:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

The Best App Ever Awards for Android to be revealed tomorrow While this is the sixth year of the Best App Ever Awards, it also marks the very first awards to be given out for Android apps. The nomination phase lasted over two months, over 1,500 apps nominated for over 30 categories. Android games were selected for a big chunk of the awards for many of these categories, not least the game categories themselves: Most Innovative Game Best Arcad...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

4th episode of The Walking Dead: Season 2 gets a new trailer and Vita, iOS release dates

Added: 17.07.2014 11:46 | 1 views | 0 comments

4th episode of The Walking Dead: Season 2 gets a new trailer and Vita, iOS release dates Amid the Ruins is the fourth and penultimate episode of Telltale's The Walking Dead: Season 2. We've all been waiting for news on it, and today it has arrived, at last. Telltale announced today that Amid the Ruins is due to arrive on iOS on July 24th. The Vita version of Amid the Ruins is coming to North America on July 22nd. European Vita owners have to wait until July 23rd to get their...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Ingress

Added: 17.07.2014 11:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Ingress We've been waiting for augmented reality gaming to take off for about as long as we've been waiting for virtual reality and smart watches to become viable. And while the latter two might finally be taking shape, AG is still some way behind. Of all the attempts to blend the boring real-world with a splendid smartphone game, Ingress has achieved the smoothest and most effective set of mechanic...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Castle Doombad: Free to Slay is the same Silver Award-winning game but for those who prefer F2P over premium

Added: 17.07.2014 10:35 | 1 views | 0 comments

Castle Doombad: Free to Slay is the same Silver Award-winning game but for those who prefer F2P over premium Adult Swim has released a free-to-play version of its Silver Award-winning Castle Doombad with the added subtitle "Free to Slay". As expected, then, this is essentially the same game but available for free. There are some other minor changes worth noting, as detailed in the Touch Arcade forums. The lowest-price Doom Shekel pack is $4.99 (vs. 1.99 in the premium app). The amounts in the pack...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Overkill 3 is an impressive looking third-person shooter that's set to hit iOS and Android later in the year

Added: 17.07.2014 8:54 | 0 views | 0 comments

Overkill 3 is an impressive looking third-person shooter that's set to hit iOS and Android later in the year We weren't that enamoured with Overkill 2. It was glittery gun-porn without much of a game underneath it. Overkill 3 looks like it's learned from those mistakes though. It's a third-person shooter that apparently boasts 'console-quality' graphics. They're certainly very shiny, that's for sure. The game is set to hit the App Store and Google Play Store in Autumn this year, and when it doe...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

[Update] Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon, Marvel's movie tie-in gesture-based RPG, is out right now on Android as a premium app

Added: 17.07.2014 8:16 | 1 views | 0 comments

[Update] Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon, Marvel's movie tie-in gesture-based RPG, is out right now on Android as a premium app Updated on July 17th at 12:11: As spotted by eagle-eyed reader and Marvel character mash-up TheMercWithoutFear, Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon is now available on the App Store as well. It'll set you back £2.99 / $4.99 [buy]. Original story follows... You might remember last week we told you about Marvel launching a Guardians of the Galaxy game in Malaysia. It was a soft ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Start your media career with Pocket Gamer

Added: 17.07.2014 8:02 | 2 views | 0 comments

Start your media career with Pocket Gamer Pocket Gamer is looking for interns for three months' experience working on the production of leading games and technology websites and magazines. This is an unpaid role that would suit a university candidate looking to gain valuable experience in the media industry. Successful candidates will be able to work alongside and learn from a team with over 50 years of combined experience at the to...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Win a Google Nexus 7 and a sandstone statue of Evolution: Battle for Utopia's Fido!

Added: 17.07.2014 8:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Win a Google Nexus 7 and a sandstone statue of Evolution: Battle for Utopia's Fido! To celebrate the recent release of the Bronze Award-winning free-to-play sci-fi RPG Evolution: Battle for Utopia on Android, we've teamed up with developers My.com to give away some tasty treats. In our review we called Evolution: Battle for Utopia a game with "excellent visuals and plenty to do... [a] demanding game of strategy, management." The grand prize is a Gold Award-winning 16GB Goog...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Lionheart Tactics, the Gold Award-winning free-to-play SRPG, is now available on Android

Added: 17.07.2014 6:56 | 2 views | 0 comments

Lionheart Tactics, the Gold Award-winning free-to-play SRPG, is now available on Android Gold Award-winning free-to-play strategy RPG Lionheart Tactics is now available on the Google Play Store, so you've got no excuse not to give it a go. The game is in a similar vein to Disgaea and Final Fantasy Tactics. You take part in turn-based skirmishes, whomping bad guys and grabbing loot as you do. Your team is made up of characters with different skill sets, from ranged specialist...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon, Marvel's movie tie-in gesture-based RPG, is out right now on Android as a premium app

Added: 17.07.2014 6:27 | 1 views | 0 comments

Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon, Marvel's movie tie-in gesture-based RPG, is out right now on Android as a premium app You might remember last week we told you about Marvel launching a Guardians of the Galaxy game in Malaysia. It was a soft launch, it was free, and we thought it pointed to a free-to-play release coming world wide in the not-too-distant-future. Well, we've reached that future, and the game has come out. Except it's only out on Android. And it's a premium game. And we're all very confused and ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Sonic Jump Fever

Added: 16.07.2014 14:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Sonic Jump Fever Sonic Jump Fever manages to lose all the spark of the original. It's flabby and stilted, missing the simple beat of play that made Sonic Jump so exciting. The free-to-play mechanics under the hood mean you're always playing a game of catch up, trying to complete challenges rather the just enjoying the simple bouncy gameplay. There's still the occasional spark of interest, and since the game ...

Tags: Jump, Sonic
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Our 10 most wanted features for upcoming Minecraft: Pocket Edition version 0.10.0

Added: 16.07.2014 12:00 | 0 views | 0 comments

Our 10 most wanted features for upcoming Minecraft: Pocket Edition version 0.10.0 Last week, Minecraft: Pocket Edition hit version 0.9.0. The game received infinite worlds, new mobs and items, extra biomes, and loads of handy improvements. But we're never happy, and we're already looking forward to version 0.10.0 (nope - the next version won't be Minecraft 1.0). As Pocket Edition marches closer and closer to parity with the PC version of the game, our wish-list is getting...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bronze Award-winning Game of Thrones: Ascent lunges and lands its blade on Android and iPhone

Added: 16.07.2014 11:48 | 0 views | 0 comments

Bronze Award-winning Game of Thrones: Ascent lunges and lands its blade on Android and iPhone Disruptor Beam has released Game of Thrones: Ascent for Android. It should be coming to iPhone today, too. Ascent started out life on Facebook but spread to iPad earlier this year, earning itself a Bronze Award from us. It's a free-to-play social RPG that lets you become a minor lord in the Game of Thrones world. It's all menus and buttons, but has a compelling story and thousands of quests ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bungie launches Destiny's free companion app on iOS and Android just in time for the game's beta

Added: 16.07.2014 9:24 | 0 views | 0 comments

Bungie launches Destiny's free companion app on iOS and Android just in time for the game's beta Bungie has released the companion app for its epic sci-fi console game Destiny on iOS and Android. As detailed just yesterday, the companion app sidelines your Destiny experience on consoles with a range of handy services. The app tracks your progress and statistics as you play. It also displays a 3D model of your in-game character that you can change with immediate effect in the game. Yo...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Disney Bola Football

Added: 16.07.2014 8:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Disney Bola Football At first glance Disney Bola Football appears to be a nifty little take on soccer. The characters are all drawn in an angular, cartoony style that calls to mind Disney Infinity, and it runs pretty smoothly too. Unfortunately, terrible controls make the game almost unplayable. You've got the touch Each match in Disney Bola Football is meant to be quick. Win or lose they're usually over befo...

Tags: Easy, Disney, Bolt
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Frozen Synapse, the Silver Award-winning tactical shooter, is cheap right now on iPad and Android

Added: 16.07.2014 6:18 | 2 views | 0 comments

Frozen Synapse, the Silver Award-winning tactical shooter, is cheap right now on iPad and Android The iPad and Android versions of the brilliant Silver Award-winning tactical turn-based shooter Frozen Synapse are on sale for dirt cheap. If you've yet to play the mesmerising mix of neon graphics and heady violence, now's the perfect time. The game is all about leading a squad of digital soldiers through an isometric battleground. You need to think on your feet, watch your corners, and re...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Kitten Challenge

Added: 16.07.2014 5:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Kitten Challenge Ordinarily I'd consider a game about cats a washout. A pastime for an anxious person too delicate for the ravages of Dead Trigger 2. You know, the type of individual who keeps sachets of Heinz tomato ketchup in their wallet, unable to bear the possibility of being boxed into a situation where Daddies is the only option. So it was with a heavy sigh that I approached Kitten Challenge. I was ex...

Tags: Dead
Source: feedproxy.google.com

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