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Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake - Apricot Acres 3 star walkthroughs

Added: 11.07.2014 7:31 | 4 views | 0 comments

Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake - Apricot Acres 3 star walkthroughs Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake follows Niko on his sweet and sickly saga of vengeance against the Boogins who nicked his yummy dessert. He, and a bunch of significantly more friendly monsters, will traipse across Gogapoe Island, solving logic puzzles and winning back his cake: slice by delicious slice. Part three, now, and we're in the autumnal land of Apricot Acres. This guide will show you ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The best Android games this week - Wayward Souls, Leo's Fortune, Star Realms

Added: 11.07.2014 7:12 | 16 views | 0 comments

The best Android games this week - Wayward Souls, Leo's Fortune, Star Realms Every Friday, Pocket Gamer offers hands-on impressions of the week's three best new Android games. Wayward Souls By RocketCat Games - buy on Android (£2.73 / $4.99) Put simply, Wayward Souls is one of the best mobile games ever made. It's a super-hard retro slasher that sees you traversing crumbling dungeons and monster-riddled towers. You battle a variety of fiends, grab loot and ne...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Transworld Endless Skater

Added: 11.07.2014 5:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Transworld Endless Skater Sometimes you don't need that much to have a good time. Transworld Endless Skater might keep some of its content behind pretty high currency barriers, but what it does let you have verges on the sublime. It's auto-running lane-based skateboarding, and that sounds horrid. But it's actually really good, and mixes together a whole bunch of ideas to create a casual skating experience that's painful...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: FFFFF2P

Added: 10.07.2014 14:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

FFFFF2P We can tolerate in-app advertising with a significant degree of understanding these days. Most smartphone players appreciate the benefits of being able to play games without dropping any dosh up front. But FFFFF2P is probably the first time we've ever seen a game that actually makes a gameplay mechanic out of free-to-play in-game advertisements. It's genuinely bizarre, and really toys with your...

Tags: Most
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Wayward Souls and Xac USA: Pop Culture Trivia are the highest-reviewed iOS and Android games of Q2 2014

Added: 10.07.2014 12:37 | 2 views | 0 comments

Wayward Souls and Xac USA: Pop Culture Trivia are the highest-reviewed iOS and Android games of Q2 2014 In the same way that public game companies announce their financial sales numbers every three months, the Quality Index (Qi) publishes its own quarterly figures. But instead of assaulting your ears and eyes with talk of operating profit, ROI, and monetisation (brrrr), this here Quality Index quarterly round-up ranks the top 20 best-reviewed iOS and Android games that were released during the pe...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

5 Kemco RPGs that are worth your time (and your money)

Added: 10.07.2014 12:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

5 Kemco RPGs that are worth your time (and your money) Chances are, if you're a mobile RPG junkie and are routinely checking the App Store for new adventures to embark on, you've seen Kemco titles dotting both Android and iOS venues. With so many of them available for purchase seemingly every other week, how do you discern which are worth your hard-earned cash and which are better left unplayed? That's an excellent question, and one easily answe...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Time is ticking in free-to-play platformer Sonic Jump Fever, out now on iOS and Android

Added: 10.07.2014 10:32 | 2 views | 0 comments

Time is ticking in free-to-play platformer Sonic Jump Fever, out now on iOS and Android Do you like playing Doodle Jump-style endless platformer Sonic Jump, but get bored after about 35 seconds? Then you might like Sonic Jump Fever. Also you have a short attention span and probably stopped reading this article like six seconds ago to go watch viral cat videos on YouTube. Anyway. This free-to-play spin-off has all the same gameplay. So you can expect to tilt your phone left to r...

Tags: Jump, Time, Also, Sonic
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Angry Birds Star Wars II is now free-to-play, gets 30 fresh levels

Added: 10.07.2014 10:12 | 3 views | 0 comments

Angry Birds Star Wars II is now free-to-play, gets 30 fresh levels Brand mash-up bonanza Angry Birds Star Wars II is now available as a free download on iOS and Android. And to celebrate shedding its price tag, the game's got 30 fresh levels. These new stages can be found in a bonus level pack called 'Master Your Destiny', where you have to use imported characters (either from the in-game shop, or using Telepods) to fight. Hopefully you've got some cred...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Wayward Souls, the Platinum Award-winning dungeon-crawling roguelike, has finally been released on Android

Added: 10.07.2014 8:53 | 2 views | 0 comments

Wayward Souls, the Platinum Award-winning dungeon-crawling roguelike, has finally been released on Android Platinum Award-winning hack and slash dungeon-crawling classic Wayward Souls is available on Android right now. So stop what you're doing and go and buy it. Honestly, it's that good. The game sees you leading a character through a randomly generated dungeon, using spells or swords to hack down the monsters that get in your way. If you die you lose your progress and go back to the start. ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Minecraft - Pocket Edition version 0.9.0 is out right now for Android and iOS

Added: 10.07.2014 8:38 | 3 views | 0 comments

Minecraft - Pocket Edition version 0.9.0 is out right now for Android and iOS The 0.9.0 update has finally landed for Minecraft - Pocket Edition. It's the biggest update the small-sized version of the game has ever received, and it adds a whole bunch of content that makes the game an even more enticing prospect. You'll get infinite worlds, caves, and a whole wodge of new blocks. There are wolves to tame, and lots of pretty flowers. On top of that there are new mob...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

PaperLander, a tappy tilty game about rockets, mazes, and lasers is the winner of the Big Indie Pitch in Brighton

Added: 10.07.2014 6:54 | 3 views | 0 comments

PaperLander, a tappy tilty game about rockets, mazes, and lasers is the winner of the Big Indie Pitch in Brighton The crowd isn't hushed. It chatters, clashing drinks, discussing business and the games they've just seen. But the winner of the Big Indie Pitch is announced none the less. It's Paperlander. It's sort of a mix of Little Big Planet and Flappy Bird. An awfully clever concept that feels better in the hand than it does described. It's a game about guiding a rocket through a maze. A delicious tou...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

[Update] Out now: Is FFFFF2P a successful satire of F2P games, or just a rubbish F2P game?

Added: 10.07.2014 3:02 | 2 views | 0 comments

[Update] Out now: Is FFFFF2P a successful satire of F2P games, or just a rubbish F2P game? Updated on July 10th, at 6:57: FFFFF2P is now available worldwide, and the ad-dodging platformer has now appeared on Android too. Elevate gave me a little insight into the game's meaning on Twitter. The creator said, "FFFFF2P was made from a developer's perspective of the tension and pressure to make a F2P to actually make money on the App Store". FFFFF2P is an odd one. It's billed a...

Tags: Jump, Android
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Magic 2015 has new F2P card-battling adventures for you on iPad right now

Added: 09.07.2014 12:54 | 3 views | 0 comments

Magic 2015 has new F2P card-battling adventures for you on iPad right now Like a rabbit out of a hat, free-to-play card game Magic 2015: Duels of the Planewalkers just popped up on iOS, much to our surprise. This tablet version of the world's biggest collectible card game is a faithful adaptation. That means you can translate any knowledge and tactics learned in the physical version over to Magic 2015. If you're not familiar with the game then there's a detailed t...

Tags: Live, Magic
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Reckless Racing 3 will be a 'streamlined Reckless experience' for iOS and Android this autumn

Added: 09.07.2014 12:19 | 2 views | 0 comments

Reckless Racing 3 will be a 'streamlined Reckless experience' for iOS and Android this autumn Good news, racing fans - Pixelbite Studios has announced arcade racer Reckless Racing 3 for iOS and Android this autumn. There aren't many details about the game yet. That shouldn't stop anyone who is a fan of the Gold Award-winning Reckless Racing 2 from buckling up in preparation for this threequel. What Pixelbite has revealed so far is that Reckless Racing 3 "will focus on delivering ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Blizzard details pricing for Hearthstone's Curse of Naxxramas campaign, Heroic Mode unveiled

Added: 09.07.2014 11:27 | 3 views | 0 comments

Blizzard details pricing for Hearthstone's Curse of Naxxramas campaign, Heroic Mode unveiled Blizzard has detailed how you'll be able to get access to the upcoming Curse of Naxxramas single-player campaign for Hearthstone.  Curse of Naxxramas is split into five wings, and one will open up each week once Blizzard launches the campaign (whenever that may be). They'll unlock in this order: Arachnid Quarter, Plague Quarter, Military Quarter, Construct Quarter, and Frostwyrm Lair. The...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Beyond Gravity

Added: 09.07.2014 11:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Beyond Gravity Once upon a time, when mobile games were played on two-inch screens controlled with a number pad, there was a breed of gamer that sought out so-called 'one-thumb games.' These were the pinnacle of mobile game design, because they weren't hampered by control difficulties and offered fast, addictive gameplay regardless of the woefully underpowered and unsuitable platform. Controls have changed...

Tags: Onto, There, Beyond
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Apple admits mistake, pulls Kawaii Killer from the App Store a week after its release

Added: 09.07.2014 10:53 | 3 views | 0 comments

Apple admits mistake, pulls Kawaii Killer from the App Store a week after its release We thought this might happen.  Tabemasu Games informs us that Apple has pulled its game Kawaii Killer from the App Store a week after its release. Aurelien Defossez of Tabemasu says the developer was told by Apple by mail and over the phone that "The app concept is not appropriate for the App Store in its current state." "Killing adorable animals does not meet the App Store guidelines," A...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Dungeon Hearts Blitz is a F2P version of Devolver Digital's match-3 RPG for iOS and Android

Added: 09.07.2014 10:19 | 2 views | 0 comments

Dungeon Hearts Blitz is a F2P version of Devolver Digital's match-3 RPG for iOS and Android Devolver Digital has released Dungeon Hearts Blitz on iOS and Android today. It's an unusual game from the Hotline Miami and Luftrausers publisher. Devolver typically deals with assuredly "hardcore" titles. But this is a free-to-play match-3 action puzzler, clearly intended for casual play sessions. The explanation is that it's a reiteration of Cube Roots's match-3 RPG Dungeon Hearts, which ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake and Xac USA: Pop Culture Trivia head the Quality Index's Top 10 rated Android and iOS games of June 2014

Added: 09.07.2014 9:54 | 1 views | 0 comments

Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake and Xac USA: Pop Culture Trivia head the Quality Index's Top 10 rated Android and iOS games of June 2014 If you were wondering what the best-reviewed iOS and 'droid games on the web last month were, here are the iPhone Quality Index, iPad Quality Index, and Android Quality Index round-ups for June to fill you in. The iPhone, iPad, and Android Quality Indexes boast over 650,000 reviews (in total) from websites like 148Apps, Pocket Gamer, and IGN, and use a unique metric to create a single definitiv...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

[Update] Gameloft gives Modern Combat 5: Blackout a July 24th deploy date on iOS and Android

Added: 09.07.2014 8:10 | 0 views | 0 comments

[Update] Gameloft gives Modern Combat 5: Blackout a July 24th deploy date on iOS and Android Updated on July 9th, at 12:04: Modern Combat 5 will launch on both iOS and Android on July 24th, Gameloft has confirmed. The game is also coming to Windows Phone, but the date has not be confirmed. Blackout will cost £4.99 / $6.99. The game will also require an internet connection, even when playing offline. Gameloft tells Pocket Gamer that this is because of the unified progression system w...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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