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Super Kid Cannon is like a vertical Donkey Kong Country (iPad)

Added: 25.02.2014 13:00 | 18 views | 0 comments

Don't you ever get tired of all those sidescroller games that, you know, scroll sideways? Me too. And that's why I'm so pumped to play , a new Donkey Kong-inspired action game that keeps the lighthearted action moving upwards on a vertical plane.

Super Kid Cannon, or SKC for short, is a courageous Red Panda who is on a quest across 30 levels and 5 worlds to rescue his love interest Justine from the evil Snow Leopard Khan. Described as the world's first "vertical launcher," Super Kid Cannon will find players launching their little hero out of all kinds of contraptions, from the titular canons and mine carts, to even geysers, bubbles, and spaceships.

One look at the game's debut launch trailer and you can see the Donkey Kong and Mario Bros. influence in spades. Much like the barrel-blasting mechanic of the Donkey Kong Country games, you'll be carefully lining up your barrel blast shots to launch SKC upwards through a number of jungle environments with wonderfully illustrated designs. You can also expect to find a quirky cast of characters and lots of other fun obstacles and hazards to overcome along the way.

The free-to-play game will be getting a soft launch in New Zealand this month on Android and iOS, with a worldwide release to follow sometime shortly after.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Indie is succeeding because AAA is failing us creatively, says Xbox co-creator Ed Fries (iPad)

Added: 25.02.2014 10:16 | 4 views | 0 comments

When it comes to video games, AAA console releases have really grown stagnant over the last decade. That's one of the many reasons I'm so glad to be at Gamezebo, where we focus on the platforms that give developers the freedom to experiment instead of the latest cut-and-paste first person shooter.

As it turns out, Xbox co-creator Ed Fries seems to feel the same way about the current state of AAA games, and he's ready to explain why, detailing the creativity-stifling environment that led to his 2004 resignation from Microsoft in a recent interview.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

You should be watching a Harold Ramis movie tonight, but if you can't... (iPad)

Added: 24.02.2014 19:43 | 5 views | 0 comments

Harold Ramis was one of the greats. If you're in your thirties and love comedy, there's a very good chance that Ramis played a huge part in that. You probably know him as Egon Spengler in Ghostbusters, but he was so much more. Ramis wrote Animal House, Stripes and Meatballs. He directed Caddyshack, Groundhog Day and National Lampoon's Vacation. In short, he created everything you ever loved about comedy. And as of today, sadly, .

The only proper thing to do tonight is to cancel your plans, microwave some popcorn, and break out your favorite Ramis flick. For me it'll be Caddyshack. But hey - if you can't do this, we're not going to judge you. As much as you might want to go home and watch SCTV until your eyes hurt, we know you have other obligations.

So maybe instead of enjoying a Harold Ramis classic, you can stick one of these games on your phone in your travels tonight to remind you of his work instead.

Tags: Animal
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Bug Heroes 2 Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 24.02.2014 18:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Bug Heroes 2 is a tower defense game from Foursaken Media. In this game, you control a band of bugs that must defend their food stores from enemy bugs at all costs. Gamezebo's walkthrough will provide you with some tips and hints that will help you get a good start on this war between creepy crawlies.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

How to fix the App Store (according to Appsfire CEO Ouriel Ohayon) (iPad)

Added: 24.02.2014 16:49 | 5 views | 0 comments

The App Store is a mess. It always has been, and no matter what Apple seems to think they're doing to fix it ( shared an op-ed piece with TechCrunch earlier today that looks at every angle of Apple's App Store, and offers some interesting solutions to many of its more visible problems.

Ohayon argues that the App Store's sub-par search function is largely to blame for discoverability woes, with hot keywords powering results more than hot apps. This is why games with the word "flappy" have littered the top free charts in recent weeks - and a few have even managed to exploit the keyword trifecta of "flappy," "miley cyrus" and "wrecking ball."

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Become a master con artist in Game Insight's Incredible Heist (iPad)

Added: 24.02.2014 14:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

From the creators of the captivating and hugely successful , it also would appear that a Facebook version is in the cards somewhere down the road as well. In either case, there's one thing that we know for sure right now: this game is gearing up to be quite the steal!

Tags: Gain, Facebook
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Bug Heroes 2 Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 24.02.2014 10:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 90

Though most of us have no love for the roaches, spiders, and ants that occasionally move into our kitchens and make themselves at home, Bug Heroes 2 by Foursaken Media would have us believe these creepy critters look up to us as gods and providers. The game reasons that, if not for our crumbs, refuse, and spills, bugs would have naught with which to wage war on each other.

And if bugs didn't go to war, we'd be down one fantastic tower defense game. Bug Heroes 2 is charming, challenging, and stuffed full of cool ideas. Who knew it'd be so much fun to hang out with bugs?

Except for house centipedes. They can just...go...far away.

Tags: Heroes, Review, Though, Gamezebo, Media
Source: www.gamezebo.com

The Last Door: Chapter 1 - The Letter Walkthrough (iPad, Online)

Added: 23.02.2014 14:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

The Last Door: Chapter 1 - The Letter is a point-and-click horror game developed by The Game Kitchen. In this game, you take on the role of Jeremiah Devitt as he explores an abandoned mansion in search of clues to the fate of his childhood friend. Gamezebo's walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Tags: Gain, Last, The Last, Walkthrough, The Game
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Second Chance Heroes Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 21.02.2014 17:00 | 21 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 90

Four score and seven million zombies ago, a high school teacher with a passion for history created a cloning machine in his garage to bring back some of the world's greatest heroes for a second chance at providing salvation. Or so the famous speech goes. But you see, things have changed quite a bit since Abraham Lincoln and Cleopatra first went down in the history books, but luckily their reincarnated clones have a few special advantages like deadly melee weapons or magic powers on their side. While Second Chance Heroes doesn't take itself too seriously in the story department, what it does take seriously are its fine-tuned gameplay and level designs, which work together to create one of the best mobile hack-n-slashers that we've seen in quite some time.

At its core, Second Chance Heroes is a blend of RPG and hack-n-slash gameplay with online co-op elements in the same vein as Diablo or . The basic idea is to make you way through each environment and kill anything and everything that gets in your path. Players move their characters with a virtual dual joystick control scheme: the left one for movement, and the right one to attack in any direction. Smaller hotkeys surrounding each joystick let you pull off special attacks and other bonuses, like a quick burst of speed. You'll also be able to use one of the hotkeys to quickly switch between your two selected heroes at will, which I found to be an especially welcomed addition.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

This Week in China: Unauthorized Mario is unauthorized (iPad)

Added: 21.02.2014 14:00 | 7 views | 0 comments

2014 seems to be the year of copyright. Whether it's .

Tags: Mario
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Free Games and Sales: Numerity, Antichamber and more! (iPad)

Added: 21.02.2014 13:30 | 15 views | 0 comments

Don't you just hate it when some days you have a whole bunch of errands to run, when all you really want to do is stay in bed and browse all the latest free games and sales going on around the internet? Take right now for instance: I'm long overdue for a haircut, and I've been putting off going to the DMV for a solid two months now. So what am I doing instead? Stocking up on more games at almost next-to-nothing prices!

In fact, if buying new games at incredible deals were daily errands in their own right, then I would get more accomplished each day than you could ever imagine! First I would hit up the iOS App Store and download a few premium games I missed out on for absolutely nothing. Then I would scoop up the latest Humble Indie Bundle before circling back to Gamezebo for a few more last minute deals there as well. Talk about being a productive adult member of society!

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Deadman's Cross Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 21.02.2014 8:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 60

Collectible Card Games can be tough to balance, mechanically. If things are too easy, players will get bored. If it takes too long to accomplish goals or build up a formidable deck, they'll get frustrated. Deadman's Cross seems to be trying to hit that sweet spot somewhere in the middle, but ultimately it misses the mark. And in many ways, it's basically just with zombies.

You assume the role of a run-of-the-mill survivor during the zombie apocalypse - one who follows the government's instructions of staying indoors a little too closely. After three months of isolation (three months!), you finally decide to step outside. Of course the world is a wreck. Zombies, referred to as "Deadmen," are roaming around everywhere and society pretty much doesn't exist anymore. At least not in the same way that it used to. The only way to survive in this world is to pick up a gun and start blasting... and then recruit the defeated Deadmen as your own personal army. I swear I'm not making this up.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Card Wars - Adventure Time Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 20.02.2014 16:00 | 14 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

On the list of animated shows I'm glad my daughter likes so I have a plausible reason to watch more of them myself, Adventure Time is right at the top (Littlest Pet Shop, in contrast, is last). So it's with great delight that I report that Card Wars - Adventure Time does right by the show and is better than most mobile card battle games, held back only a bit by its unnecessary two-pronged monetization.

Fans of the series probably already know that Card Wars is a real thing in Finn and Jake's universe, kind of their own version of games like Magic: The Gathering. What you play in the mobile game is pretty darn faithful to what we've seen on screen, right down to some of the creatures and buildings, as well as "flooping the pig" -- flooping being this game's version of tapping to activate a card's special ability.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Tengami Review (PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad)

Added: 20.02.2014 14:00 | 15 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 100

I am excited about Tengami. Not because it's a particularly great game, but because it's a remarkable multimedia experience. At its core, it's a point-and-click adventure set in ancient Japan. But it's the rendering of the game world as a gloriously detailed virtual pop-up book, with scene transitions presented as turning pages that reveal a delicate, brilliantly beautiful two-dimensional realm, which makes it both unique and memorable.

Everything in Tengami is rendered in 2D, even your avatar - a characteristic that becomes evident when he moves and reveals that he has no physical depth. There's no inventory, no attributes or skills, and no equipment or upgrades to make him more powerful; he simply walks and sails from place to place at your direction, and occasionally picks up a single item or interacts with a puzzle. It's a slow-paced journey through changing seasons, designed to give you time to really take in and appreciate the artistry of the environments. The music is every bit as good, and while the sound effects are relatively sparse, the first time I heard a wolf howling in the twilight my skin positively tingled.

The controls are simple and intuitive, requiring only that you double-tap to walk to a spot on the screen and drag left or right to turn a page or pull a tab. Hotspots and area exits are well-marked, so there's never any question of where you need to go or what you can interact with.

There are sometimes questions about what exactly you need to do, however. Tengami has relatively few puzzle areas, but when you encounter one it gives no indication of how to proceed. Midway through the game I spent a considerable amount of time struggling with a group of bells on a pagoda, only to discover that I was stuck because I hadn't gone to another area first and collected a particular item. The puzzle itself was actually quite simple, but it was a frustrating moment because I had no idea why I was unable to make progress. (In fact, it was only with the aid of another reviewer that I figured out where I'd gone wrong.)

Source: www.gamezebo.com

We're livestreaming on Twitch RIGHT NOW! (iPad)

Added: 20.02.2014 13:13 | 7 views | 0 comments

Love video games? So do we. And as you can probably guess, we play a lot of them. But playing them alone is only so much fun - come watch us play on Twitch right now! Like all media darlings, we can't help but love an audience.

If you like what you see,

Tags: Live, Lots
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Coldfire Keep Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 20.02.2014 12:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

The town of Newsettle needs your help! There's evil around every corner (careful not to step in any) and it's up to you and your stalwart band of newbie adventurers to delve into the depths of Coldfire Keep, uncover the source of the trouble, and put an end to it once and for all!

A brief history lesson before we get going: The "dungeon crawler" is a type of first-person RPG, solo or party-based, with a focus on exploration, puzzle solving, collecting loot, and copious amounts of combat with a host of inhuman ne'er-do-wells. They were particularly popular in the 80s and early 90s, but by the mid-90s the genre had fallen out of mainstream gamer consciousness. In recent years, however, it's enjoyed something of a resurgence, driven largely by the 2012 indie hit . (I delivered the same sermon in the lead-in to that review too, by the way. I like to keep readers informed.)

Now along comes Coldfire Keep, and if you've ever wished that you could go digitally spelunking on your bus ride to work, I have good news: There are some rough edges, but in most of the ways that matter, this is a game that gets it right.

Coldfire Keep follows four inexperienced adventurers as they investigate strange happenings in the ancient castle that lies just outside of town. In fine dungeon crawler fashion, that's the extent of the setup: Some monsters busted up the place and you're going to look into it because nobody else will. The tale gets a little deeper as you progress through the catacombs but it's perfunctory stuff, and the truth is that, much like climbing a mountain, you're diving deeper into the dungeon for no better reason than because it's there.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Nintendo released its first free-to-play game last week, and we're a little concerned (iPad)

Added: 20.02.2014 10:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Nintendo gets criticized a lot for making the same games over and over. That's not really true; they make very different games that use the same characters and tones over and over. That's the Nintendo double-tap - their games look and feel like something we've seen a thousand times while throwing out the opportunity to build on what came before.

That's the biggest problem with Steel Diver: Sub Wars, and my greatest fear for Nintendo's future forays into free-to-play.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Mobile gaming predictions from AppsWorld 2014 (iPad)

Added: 20.02.2014 9:01 | 12 views | 0 comments

A few weeks ago, AppsWorld 2014 North America took place at San Francisco's Moscone Center, presenting two days of cutting edge discussion on the app industry, its present, and its exciting future. During the conference, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, was the official keynote speaker, answering questions and discussing his time at the company. Many exciting sessions were held focusing on general development, the Android platform, gaming, enterprise, and tech.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Deadman's Cross Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 19.02.2014 18:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Deadman's Cross is an online collectible card game by Square Enix. It's built on a similar engine to , with plenty of exploration, dueling, and car sniping (yes, that's really a thing). Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

New iOS Games Tonight: Tengami, Coldfire Keep and more! (iPad)

Added: 19.02.2014 16:00 | 7 views | 0 comments

With the recent (and insane) influx of clones popping up on the App Store over the last week or so, it really got me thinking: wouldn't it suck if every single new mobile game was basically the same? After all, who only wants to play the same thing over and over again? Well the good news is that we don't need to worry about any of that, as some of this week's biggest new iOS games speak of variety in spades.

This week's batch of new releases couldn't be any more different from one another, as players will jump back and forth between a whimsical pop-up book journey, an early 90s-styled dungeon crawling adventure, a mind-bending puzzler with quantum mechanics, and a squad-based action game with some ugly bugs making up the frontline.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

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