FTL: Faster Than Light Walkthrough (PC, Mac, iPad) | Added: 03.04.2014 11:59 | 15 views | 0 comments
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Fairway Solitaire Blast Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad, Android) Added: 03.04.2014 9:27 | 13 views | 0 comments
Strategy gamers, prepare yourselves for a double dose of fun. Two of the best-loved PC games of the last few years have just hit the iPad, and both games seems as if they were designed from the ground-up with tablets in mind (and in the case of Hearthstone, it really was!) FTL is a spaceship management roguelike-like that send players on a trip through the galaxy, on a quest to survive as long as they can. It was incredibly well-received in its 2012 debut (), but the iPad version took its sweet time coming out. Why? Because this is the debut of FTL: Advanced Edition. |
One of my absolute favorite games on mobile is the first-person escape-puzzler, The Room. We were lucky enough recently, but there's still a dearth of such games, perfectly tuned to touchscreens as they are. Hellraid: The Escape has a silly name, but when a press release specifically cites The Room as influence, I'm willing to overlook a lot of things. Perhaps it's best the name is silly. The game itself certainly doesn't look serious, what with the autonomous, disembodied eyeball in front of the May 5, 2014 release date in the trailer. The Escape (which, by itself, may be a better name) is tied to the upcoming PC/console hack-and-slash game Hellraid from Techland. Techland is the team behind Call of Jaurez and Dead Island, if you didn't know. The studio can be very hit (like Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger) or miss (like Call of Jaurez: The Cartel). |
If you haven't already noticed, it's April Fool's Day. Whether you figured it out by now from a bogus news article, a text from your Uncle telling you he's won the lottery, , no one is safe. Gamers are certainly not excluded from the fun, as evidenced by this huge list of pranks seen throughout the games industry today. |
In a surprising move, Apple announced that it is removing its Top Grossing Chart from the App Store. From now on, there will only be two top ranking charts - free and paid. In typical Apple fashion, the company made this move at midnight last night, on the first day of April, without giving anyone any notice. Apple released the following statement: "We've noticed, as many of you have, that the games in the Top Ranking Lists have not changed in the past year. We suspect it's because the game companies in the Top 10 are spending millions of dollars a day to keep their position, but it could just be coincidence. So, we decided to take the high road and give game companies the opportunity to compete on merit than money." It's unclear what impact this will have on the success of games in the Top Lists like Candy Crush Saga or Clash of Clans, the future of free-to-play games, or the cost per install ad model. In their S1 released anticipation of going public, last year on marketing. |
If hope springs eternal, then very few places see it sprout as often as in the garden of mobile games based on super hero movies. Gameloft is trying again with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, learning something from its but still not hitting the mark with something that's as awesome as it seems it could be. As the movie by the same name hasn't been released in the U.S. yet (lucky overseas audiences!), there's no way for me to tell you if the game contains spoilers. What I can relay is that New York is under attack by multiple criminal conglomerates with acronyms for names, and Cap has to lead S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into the fray to set things right. Presumably, the Winter Soldier is also involved at some point. |
Now that March has drawn to a close, it's time to look back at the 31 days that were and see which games really managed to stand out as the best of the best. The first two months of 2014 saw some real game of the year contenders: The Banner Saga in January and Threes in February. Is March's winner of that same caliber? We consulted our Magic 8-Ball: All signs point to yes. |
Chaos Fighters is a free to play anime fighting RPG from Coco Entertainment International, where you collect and trade fighters, train them, and power through endless stages while earning new power-ups and equipment. It's an addictive blend of strategy and luck that will hook you quickly. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. |
I imagine a fair number of people were of the "oh great, another Star Wars card game" opinion when Star Wars: Assault Team was announced, and I can't say I blame them. But while it does make use of a few unfortunate monetization techniques, it's actually not a bad time. In fact, it's kind of clever. As with most Star Wars games these days, Assault Team just can't seem to avoid using notable characters from the movies. On the one hand, as a fan of the franchise, I think it's about time to start exploring the expanded universe a bit more (or even create new characters entirely). But on the other, I can see why LucasArts would want to stick with the names most of the general public will be familiar with. |
2048 is the #1 game on Google Play and the App Store, and that's a damned travesty. Our story starts a little over seven weeks ago. Sirvo LLC, better known as Greg Wohlwend and Asher Vollmer, released their second mobile game collaboration: Threes!. It was a great little puzzle game that had the perfect mix of addictive and charming that can help a game shoot to the top of the App Store. And it did. Seemingly within hours, this indie darling jumped to the #1 spot - and not just any #1 spot, but the #1 spot on the paid games list. Rumors of paid mobile gaming's death, it would seem, were greatly exaggerated. Or at least they would have been if it weren't for 2048. |
Boom Beach is an action strategy game from Supercell. Gamezebo's quick start guide will provide you with some tips and hints to brave the skies and last as long as possible in this punishing arcade experience. |
Star Wars: Assault Team is a collectable card game created by LucasArts. You'll need to collect and train a diverse assortment of Star Wars heroes if you're going to have any chance against the Empire, which is why we're here. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. |
Shattered Planet is a survival role-playing game developed by Kitfox Games. In this game, you'll explore a hostile planet in search of alien life forms and items that will allow you to journey deeper into the world. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. |
With GDC only slightly in the rearview mirror (and Lucas Pope's big IGF with for Paper, Please along with it), it's time for the Independent Games Festival to look forward. And by forward, we mean Eastward. Namely, China. Why China? Well, if you take a look at our other news bites from Laohu.com this week, you'll see that some of those companies can put up some huge numbers - even on the stock market. And if the big guys are doing that well, great indie talent can't be far behind. Thanks again to our friends at Laohu.com for providing us with the latest gaming news from the Chinese market. For daily info that does the same, be sure to bookmark . |
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