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Battle enemies, catch them, build an army in F2P puzzle-RPG Adventure Age, out now

Added: 06.11.2014 9:51 | 5 views | 0 comments

Battle enemies, catch them, build an army in F2P puzzle-RPG Adventure Age, out now Online, free to play puzzle-RPG Adventure Age has been released on iOS. It was only last week that we reported on the game being in soft-launch, so you may remember it. Adventure Age has you building an army to partake in a war between the kingdoms in a fantasy land. You create your Champion, who will lead your army, and then head out into battle against your foe. Although this is an RPG...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Mr. Particle-Man wants to take you back in time with a mustached pinball

Added: 06.11.2014 9:25 | 8 views | 0 comments

Mr. Particle-Man wants to take you back in time with a mustached pinball Michael Falk has reversed the Mr. and Ms. trope in games by releasing Ms. Particle-Man [buy] first, and Mr. Particle-Man second. It's the opposite of what happened with the Pac-man series. Ms. Particle-Man was released back in 2012 and got a little bit of attention. Now, today, Mr. Particle-Man has appeared on the scene. Both games share the same ideas and designs, being 2D action arcade gam...

Tags: Michael, Bolt, Fate
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Latest South Park episode digs into the unethical side of freemium mobile games

Added: 06.11.2014 8:59 | 5 views | 0 comments

Latest South Park episode digs into the unethical side of freemium mobile games The latest episode of the long-running comedy show South Park digs into the unethical side of freemium mobile games. We're talking about grinding, wait-timers, and multiple in-game currencies used to encourage you to spend your real money inside a game. If you play mobile games in any capacity then you're bound to be familiar with the pressure that comes with freemium games. It's this th...

Tags: Paul, Souls
Source: feedproxy.google.com

How to find every secret in The Sailor's Dream on iPhone and iPad - map and walkthrough

Added: 06.11.2014 8:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

How to find every secret in The Sailor's Dream on iPhone and iPad - map and walkthrough Simogo's latest game is a bit of an oddball. You don't solve puzzles, dodge enemies, or collect coins. All you do is wander about, trying to piece together the fractured scraps of someone's memory. Making a walkthrough for such a game is a slightly weird proposition. But, it can be hard to navigate through the game so we've made some maps. And there are some secrets hidden in there, so we've pu...

Tags: Phone, Dream
Source: feedproxy.google.com

NOON is a bonkers game of clock watching that's out right now for iPad and iPhone

Added: 06.11.2014 7:53 | 6 views | 0 comments

NOON is a bonkers game of clock watching that's out right now for iPad and iPhone Frantic time-keeping action game NOON is out right now. As you might be able to work out from the title, it's all about stopping a spinning clock when the hands are at noon. That sounds simple, but when there are four clocks, each tilted so noon points in a different direction, and each spinning at a different speed, it's actually a nightmarish challenge. The game is free to download rig...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Run Sackboy! Run!

Added: 06.11.2014 7:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Run Sackboy! Run! Run Sackboy! Run! sees Sony continue its mission to bring impressive production values to mobile devices. But does this free to play endless runner go the extra mile, or just rely on its good looks to get by? Out on iOS devices now, with Android and PlayStation Vita versions apparently on the way, Run Sackboy! Run! sees you take control of the adorable Sackboy as he attempts to outrun the Negat...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Space Age, Big Bucket Software's retro-futuristic adventure, is set to hit iPad and iPhone next week

Added: 06.11.2014 6:02 | 9 views | 0 comments

Space Age, Big Bucket Software's retro-futuristic adventure, is set to hit iPad and iPhone next week Retro futuristic pixel-chunk adventure game Space Age has a release date. And it's quite soon. Next week to be precise. November 13th to be even more precise. The game mixes together a whole bunch of genres to make something genuinely unique. There's sneaking, puzzles, adventuring, and plenty more to sink your teeth into. Check out the video above to get an idea of how the game actually ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Battlefield 4 can run on iPad and iPhone, and Frostbite Stockholm has the screenshots to prove it

Added: 06.11.2014 5:15 | 11 views | 0 comments

Battlefield 4 can run on iPad and iPhone, and Frostbite Stockholm has the screenshots to prove it It's always nice to challenge yourself. Keeps you on your toes. And that's exactly what Frostbite Stockholm did when it decided to get Battlefield 4 running on mobile devices. You can see from the screenshot above that it succeeded. Or at least it succeeded to some degree anyway. You can read a detailed blogpost about its efforts by clicking right here. I wouldn't hold your breath for a ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Need for Speed: No Limits is the first mobile-only entry in the racing series

Added: 06.11.2014 4:53 | 9 views | 0 comments

Need for Speed: No Limits is the first mobile-only entry in the racing series EA has sort of accidentally had to reveal that Need for Speed: No Limits is a mobile game. All thanks to Ken Block, who is famous for doing elaborate skids. Block revealed a new car on his Facebook page, an image of which you can see above. And if you look closely you'll spot ads for a new Need for Speed game on it. This it turns out is EA's first mobile exclusive Need for Speed game. We...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

World of Warriors is a frantic RPG fighter from the folks behind Moshi Monsters, and it's out now

Added: 06.11.2014 4:28 | 9 views | 0 comments

World of Warriors is a frantic RPG fighter from the folks behind Moshi Monsters, and it's out now Mind Candy is best known for Moshi Monsters - the ultra popular online game for kids that boasts some 80 million users, and a cottage industry of merchandise from toys to magazines to hand soap. But it just released a quite different game: World of Warriors, which is a mash-up of a catch 'em all collectathon and casual time-management strategy, with an action-packed battle system that veers...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: The Sailor's Dream

Added: 06.11.2014 4:07 | 10 views | 0 comments

The Sailor's Dream There's this label in PC gaming - mostly derogatory, though some have adopted it as a positive term - to describe games that ignore combat, puzzles, and challenge. They're called walking simulators. They're more like vaguely interactive worlds than games - they tell stories, but they're not interested in winning, losing, and kill streak bonuses. Normally, I love these games. I tip-toed throu...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

PocketGamer.biz is hiring

Added: 05.11.2014 12:03 | 6 views | 0 comments

PocketGamer.biz is hiring PocketGamer.biz, Pocket Gamer's industry-focused sister site, is looking for writers. The successful candidates will have an interest in free-to-play mobile games and the business disciplines that have created billion dollar companies like Supercell, King, and GungHo Online. This is a varied and exciting role that will give you the opportunity to write about a broad range of subjects, travel...

Tags: Pocket
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Dead Trigger devs let you build model planes, cars, guns in construction kit sim Monzo

Added: 05.11.2014 11:50 | 5 views | 0 comments

Dead Trigger devs let you build model planes, cars, guns in construction kit sim Monzo Madfinger is mostly known for violent, brainless games like Dead Trigger, but today it proves it can do much more with the release of Monzo on iOS. Monzo is a model kit construction simulator. You're able to build little planes, cars, ballistas, guns, sawmills, motorbikes - loads of different model kits in acute detail. There needs to be an emphasis placed on simulator, too.  You don't j...

Tags: Dead, There, Month
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Out at midnight: Car Breakers lets you crash cars to fling dummies at dinosaur mouths

Added: 05.11.2014 11:32 | 5 views | 0 comments

Out at midnight: Car Breakers lets you crash cars to fling dummies at dinosaur mouths Bulkypix's Car Breakers hits the App Store tonight. And by "hits," I mean that it will crash into a nearby wall and fling itself head-first onto iOS. This is a game about crashing cars. But not just that. Your goal in each level is to fling a crash dummy through the windscreen so that it hits a target. You need to choose the right car and hit the right speed when crashing it, so that the dum...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Andrew Plotkin's 'interactive alchemical interplanetary thriller' Hadean Lands is out on iOS

Added: 05.11.2014 11:12 | 8 views | 0 comments

Andrew Plotkin's 'interactive alchemical interplanetary thriller' Hadean Lands is out on iOS Andrew Plotkin has released Hadean Lands on iOS. It's a command-based interactive fiction, a puzzle-adventure, and an "alchemical interplanetary thriller," according to Plotkin. "This is the most complex puzzle structure I've ever designed. It's the culmination of four years of work," he writes in the game's description. And yep, it's been in production for four years after fetching nearly f...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

GameCity 2014: Hands-on with Raging Justice, an old-school beat-‘em-up from ex-Rare devs

Added: 05.11.2014 10:30 | 11 views | 0 comments

GameCity 2014: Hands-on with Raging Justice, an old-school beat-‘em-up from ex-Rare devs The side-scrolling beat-'em-up is a genre very much of its time. With basic plotlines which echoed the vengeance-soaked action flicks of the era, a focus on local co-op play, and a fondness for coin-guzzling bosses, some would argue that the genre died with the arcades. But there's clearly a sense of nostalgia for this kind of game, even on systems which aren't traditionally suitable to acc...

Tags: City, With, Rage
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Vektor

Added: 05.11.2014 10:00 | 7 views | 0 comments

Vektor Q: What to you get if you cross Akira, Tron, and that motorbike bit from Final Fantasy VII? A:Vektor! It's not a particularly funny joke, admittedly. But that pretty much sums up this stylish endless driver from CHKKLL. Ride on time You're a courier working in a futuristic dystopia. Apparently, couriers of the future will possess advanced infiltration, computer hacking, and hand-to-han...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Out now: A Mechanical Story finds the cute in putting the cogs of a robot friend together

Added: 05.11.2014 9:16 | 9 views | 0 comments

Out now: A Mechanical Story finds the cute in putting the cogs of a robot friend together Perhaps the greatest achievement of Skyfish Studios's A Mechanical Story is how it gives the steel-hard frigidness of cog-operated mechanisms a colourful warmth. I'm really, really not the kind of person who enjoys having their head stuck inside a car engine all day. And working through A Mechanical Story's 48 levels is akin to that experience. Despite that, I'm attracted to the game, mo...

Tags: Stone, Despite
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Out at midnight: Monkey Racing is a game about racing monkeys from Crescent Moon for iPad and iPhone

Added: 05.11.2014 7:10 | 12 views | 0 comments

Out at midnight: Monkey Racing is a game about racing monkeys from Crescent Moon for iPad and iPhone Monkey Racing is a game about racing monkeys. I feel like that's probably enough information for you to make an informed purchasing decision. The game has just landed in New Zealand, which means it should be out in the UK at midnight tonight. The game plays a little like a simian Mario Kart. You're driving a souped up buggy around some silly tracks, firing rockets and putting up shields ...

Tags: Mario, Racing, Most
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Zombie Catchers

Added: 05.11.2014 7:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Zombie Catchers Enough of all these zombies eating our brains. I say we eat the zombies right back! And that's exactly what you'll be doing in Zombie Catchers. Or at least you'll be hunting the little shamblers down and extracting their delicious juices in order to serve them up to a thirsty public. On the hunt You play the part of an aspiring smoothie tycoon (and alien) as he attempts to eke out a livin...

Tags: Zombie
Source: feedproxy.google.com

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