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Colorful dodge 'em up Galaxy Dash zooming onto iOS and Android, September 18th

Added: 05.09.2014 22:36 | 2 views | 0 comments

Colorful dodge 'em up Galaxy Dash zooming onto iOS and Android, September 18th The free space shmup and endless runner hybrid Galaxy Dash: Race to the Outer Run is arriving worldwide on iOS and Android on September 18th, following a limited release. Developed by SuperMoon Games, Galaxy Dash will allow you to customize your own space ship, and send it on missions all across the galaxy. It has a colorful, low-poly art style that looks great on mobile, and an oldschool ac...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The best iPhone and iPad games this week - Valiant Hearts, Battle Riders, and more

Added: 05.09.2014 15:18 | 10 views | 0 comments

The best iPhone and iPad games this week - Valiant Hearts, Battle Riders, and more Every Friday, Pocket Gamer offers hands-on impressions of the week's best new iPhone and iPad games. Battle Riders By Valentin Ciampuru - buy on iPhone and iPad (£1.49 / $1.99) It would be easy to dismiss Battle Riders at first glance as a joyless descendent of Mario Kart, set in a generic dystopian future in which driving around a grim circuit using mounted guns to shoot other cars has...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Battle Riders

Added: 05.09.2014 14:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

Battle Riders At first glance, Battle Riders feels like someone did to Mario Kart what Hollywood did to Superman. Got rid of the colour, ramped up the angst, and made everything grim and gritty. Fortunately, while Man of Steel wasn't very good, Shooty Bang Cars of Steel (or Battle Riders to its mum) is surprisingly fun. I say surprisingly because initially it's quite easy to dismiss. Like in so many moder...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Hands-on with Rapture: Getting argy-bargy to conquer the world and escape the apocalypse

Added: 05.09.2014 13:13 | 8 views | 0 comments

Hands-on with Rapture: Getting argy-bargy to conquer the world and escape the apocalypse The problem I have with Civilization is that each 'game' takes so long to play. I've heard of people taking weeks to complete one cycle. I don't have the time or attention span for that. Tundra Games's Rapture - World Conquest isn't like that. It's an arcade strategy game that squashes Civilization into five minutes or less. It's perfect for me. You play as a god and control a civilisation w...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Etherlords

Added: 05.09.2014 13:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Etherlords I went hands-on with Etherlords back when it was still in soft-launch, and I was really impressed. The game felt like it could be the next step forward for the card battler, a genre which is in desperate need of a shake up. Now Etherlords has been launched globally, and I've got an opportunity to see how the game is changing as it finds a wider audience. Are the improvements to the Rage of B...

Tags: Rage
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bigger screen, new design, better battery - the iPhone 6 rumour round-up

Added: 05.09.2014 12:30 | 1 views | 0 comments

Bigger screen, new design, better battery - the iPhone 6 rumour round-up In less than a week, Apple will announce the iPhone 6. Then everyone who spends their time speculating about such things can get on with other matters. Such as speculating about the iPhone 6S, for example. Now seems an appropriate time to issue one final update from the iPhone 6 rumour mill. It's kept on grinding since our last round-up, back in May, during which time it has churned out conf...

Tags: Sure, Phone
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Stealth sneaks into a highly-guarded jail and frees itself on to iOS

Added: 05.09.2014 11:30 | 0 views | 0 comments

Stealth sneaks into a highly-guarded jail and frees itself on to iOS Stealth lives and dies by its name. If you like stealth games, you'll probably like this one. If you don't, then you probably aren't going to. It's a straight-forward stealth game; nothing more, nothing less. Your mission in Stealth is to sneak into a jail and rescue the imprisoned members of your clan. Along the way, you'll also solve enigmas and find out the true intentions of the captors....

Tags: York, Along
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Ninja Smasher!

Added: 05.09.2014 11:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Ninja Smasher! I have a bit of a soft spot for games like Metroid and Castlevania, so I was certainly intrigued to learn that Rogue Ninja had put its iconic ninja mascot into something similar. It's a bit of a boast, sure, but that's probably the best way to sum up Ninja Smasher! A cartoony adventure that evokes the same spirit of exploration as those two classics. Go Spinja, go spinja, go! While it kee...

Tags: Ninja, While
Source: feedproxy.google.com

VA-11 HALL-A will bring cyberpunk bartending action to iOS, Android and Vita

Added: 05.09.2014 10:40 | 0 views | 0 comments

VA-11 HALL-A will bring cyberpunk bartending action to iOS, Android and Vita Sukeban Games is hoping to bring VA-11 HALL-A, its cyberpunk bartending sim, to iOS, Android, and Vita. It's a game in which you mix drinks according to the preference of each customer, and then talk them through personal, political, and social issues. It takes place in a "post-dystopian" future, you see. The people are being oppressed: corporate nanomachines monitor them while White Knights...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Alto's Adventure is a stunning endless snowboarding game coming to iOS soon

Added: 05.09.2014 9:58 | 21 views | 0 comments

Alto's Adventure is a stunning endless snowboarding game coming to iOS soon Snowman has teased the beautiful-looking Alto's Adventure with a trailer and fresh screenshots. I've had my eye on Alto's Adventure for some months now - the art is gorgeous. It has an angular style to it, not far off how Ridiculous Fishing looks, in fact. Except the big difference is that it's set among natural mountains and has some fantastic weather effects. Lightning strikes through p...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The ultimate guide to Angry Birds Stella - tips, birds, photos, and level walkthroughs

Added: 05.09.2014 9:58 | 0 views | 0 comments

The ultimate guide to Angry Birds Stella - tips, birds, photos, and level walkthroughs I have run out of unique ways to talk about Angry Birds. I've come this far, and always managed to come up with interesting ways to introduce the latest game. But readers, I am beat. Welcome to Angry Birds Stella. A game about birds and pigs. And murder and destruction and waiting for five hours for some smoke to clear. This guide will help you boost your porcine kill count even further. ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Treasure Tombs: Ra Deal is an upcoming treasure hunter for iPad and iPhone

Added: 05.09.2014 7:57 | 2 views | 0 comments

Treasure Tombs: Ra Deal is an upcoming treasure hunter for iPad and iPhone Treasure Tombs: Ra Deal is an upcoming treasure snaffling action puzzler from Dark Tonic. There are mummies to avoid, curses to dodge, and giant gems to pick up and stuff into your pocket because everything is eventually about greed. You play a man called Colorado Cojones. Which is a joke. There are 99 levels to travel through, which is quite a lot of levels. There's some quite nice voice-a...

Tags: Dead, Daly, There, While
Source: feedproxy.google.com

'Epic' update bringing Dragon Island expansion to MMO strategy game King's Empire this Saturday

Added: 05.09.2014 7:50 | 2 views | 0 comments

'Epic' update bringing Dragon Island expansion to MMO strategy game King's Empire this Saturday If you're a fan of King's Empire, you may want to keep your eye on the App Store this Saturday - developer and publisher Tap4Fun has announced that an 'epic update' is on the way to the massively multilayer online strategy game The update will introduce a brand-new expansion called Dragon Island to the game. Dragon Island will push co-operative missions and encourage you to create giant fleets ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Puzzle to the Center of the Earth is an upcoming mash-up of Spelunky and a match-3 puzzler for iPad and iPhone

Added: 05.09.2014 7:09 | 1 views | 0 comments

Puzzle to the Center of the Earth is an upcoming mash-up of Spelunky and a match-3 puzzler for iPad and iPhone Foursaken Media has taken to the Touch Arcade forums to announce its next game. It's called Puzzle to the Center of the Earth and apparently it's a mix between Spelunky and a match three puzzler. Bold words. You drag blocks around the level and connect them in batches of three to clear them away. This creates a path for your hero, who descends a little further. Possibly towards the centr...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

CounterSpy is a side-scrolling espionage thriller that's out right now for iOS and Android

Added: 05.09.2014 6:08 | 0 views | 0 comments

CounterSpy is a side-scrolling espionage thriller that's out right now for iOS and Android Stealthy action side-scroller CounterSpy has verbed on to the App Store and the Google Play Store, bringing with it a cel-shady tale of adventure, espionage, and sneaking. You play a C.O.U.N.T.E.R agent who needs to sabotage the plans of an evil organisation in order to maintain world peace and stop atomic bombs from destroying everyone on the planet. The game captures the aesthetic of '...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Turtle Totem

Added: 05.09.2014 5:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Turtle Totem Turtle stacking is a practice that we're all quite familiar with, thanks to everyone's favourite childhood author, Dr. Seuss. So right from the outset, Turtle Totem imbues a certain nostalgic excitement, as it's undeniably built on the foundations of Yertle the Turtle. While Yertle works beautifully under the maestro Seuss's pen, and offers a sublime criticism of the power hungry that's as rele...

Tags: While, Turtle
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Adorable party puzzler Partyrs hits the App Store on September 10th

Added: 04.09.2014 17:13 | 0 views | 0 comments

Adorable party puzzler Partyrs hits the App Store on September 10th People go to parties to have fun, but that doesn't always mean the same thing for everyone. In Partyrs, you're tasked with being the best host a party can possibly have, checking up on your various human, animal, and alien party guests to make sure they all - no matter who or what they are - have what they need to have a good time. That means doing plenty of strategic re-arranging to place g...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Dance 'til you short circuit in Robot Dance Party, a free rhythm game

Added: 04.09.2014 16:10 | 3 views | 0 comments

Dance 'til you short circuit in Robot Dance Party, a free rhythm game Robot Dance Party is a free rhythm game played like a simplified Osu or Elite Beat Agents. It's available for free on both iOS and Android. Before you hit the dance floor, you're able to design your own robot from spare parts. There aren't many to choose from in the beginning - I ended up making a maid robot with a construction robot head. A quick tutorial teaches you the basics, and then...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: The Walking Dead Pinball

Added: 04.09.2014 14:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

The Walking Dead Pinball The zombie horde is closing in on Lee's rag tag group of survivors. The group is made up of, enemies, close friends, and - most painfully of all - his surrogate daughter Clementine. If only you'd been quicker with your flipper finger, and had managed to score that multi-ball bonus, you would have at least pushed your highscore past that of your buddy's. Wait, what? Flipping hell The Wa...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Run Sackboy! Run! is a free to play platform-survival game for Vita, iOS, and Android

Added: 04.09.2014 12:21 | 0 views | 0 comments

Run Sackboy! Run! is a free to play platform-survival game for Vita, iOS, and Android Here's a surprise: Run Sackboy! Run! has been announced by Sony XDev Europe today. It's a free to play platform-survival spin-off of the LittleBigPlanet series. It'll be coming to Vita, but the most unexpected bit of this news is that it'll also be available on iOS and Android. Using taps and swipes, you help Sackboy to run away from the Negativitron across The Gardens, The Canyons, and Aval...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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